The 7:30pm News of August 11, 2024

  • le mois dernier


00:00The official closing ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games comes up in less than
00:19an hour.
00:20At the Stade de France in Paris, the spectacle will showcase France's hospitality in hosting
00:26athletes, spectators and visitors for over two weeks.
00:30Baby theft, a growing phenomenon in Cameroon that causes pain and despair amongst families.
00:36From the desperate need for babies to money rituals, the motives behind this wicked act
00:41are many.
00:42Plus, sports and leisure activities take centre stage in Yaoundé as young holidaymakers put
00:51up a dazzling display of talent and energy.
00:55The development of these stories and more in the next 30 minutes.
00:59Good evening dear viewers, glad to have you on the 7.30 News.
01:03With me, Uncle Lady Raihana Toussaly.
01:07The 2024 Paris Olympic Games will officially come to a close tonight in Paris during a
01:12special closing ceremony to take place at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis, Paris.
01:19During tonight's closing ceremony, the Olympic flag is expected to be handed over to the
01:23next city, Los Angeles, in the United States of America to host the 2028 Olympic Games.
01:30Amongst the different delegations to take part in tonight's closing ceremony is that
01:33of Team Cameroon.
01:34For updates, let's join CRTV's envoy, Baudouin Sama, standing by at the Stade de France.
01:41Good evening, Baudouin.
01:44Good evening, Raihana Toussaly, welcome to Stade de France here in Paris, where in less
01:48than 30 minutes, the official closing ceremony is going to begin.
01:52It's going to be 9 p.m. here in Paris, 8 p.m. back there in Yaoundé, where all is
01:57almost set for a smooth and heat-free closing ceremony, during which tonight we are going
02:03to have a number of speeches, first from the president of the International Olympic Committee,
02:08Thomas Bach, and likewise we are going to have a speech from the president of the Local
02:13Organising Committee of Paris 2024, and one of the key moments of tonight's official closing
02:19ceremony is the handing over of the Olympic flag from Paris mayor, Anne Hildegauld, to
02:25the mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass, given that Los Angeles will host the next edition
02:31of the Olympic Games in 2028.
02:33We are told there is an impressive crowd out of this stadium, especially sports lovers
02:39trying as much as possible to have access into Stade de France tonight to come and watch
02:44live this closing ceremony, where security has been stepped up given the impressive presence
02:50of key state personalities, and likewise a special guest invited by France.
02:56Well, Sali, well over 200 artists have been invited to perform tonight during this closing
03:04As we said a while ago, it's to begin at 9 p.m. here in Paris.
03:08It's going to be 8 p.m. back there in Yaoundé, and it's to last for well over two hours.
03:13Back to you.
03:14Thank you for those updates, Baudouin Sama, and back home, health experts at the Mother
03:20and Child Unit of the Chantal Biais Foundation have declared that the recently stolen and
03:25found baby in Gifo is now fine and safe to return home.
03:29The baby, who has been receiving treatment since Tuesday, was found at a medical unit
03:34in the Kwabang neighborhood in Yaoundé before being transferred to the Chantal Biais Foundation.
03:39Karin Tosam comes back to this horrible story with a happy ending.
03:45Prior to her recovery, the baby spent three days in the neonatal ward of the Chantal Biais
03:52Mother and Child Center.
03:54Now, these health experts have established that her health is restored.
04:00The temperature has subsided.
04:03It now has a normal temperature, and clinical examination is better than on entry.
04:10The mother is still in shock, but as she holds tight to her little one, she's expressed
04:16relief and a return of joy to her family.
04:22I wish to thank all who stood by us during this difficult period, be it through prayers
04:28or otherwise.
04:29I also thank the Chantal Biais Foundation for coming to our rescue.
04:37Meantime, the situation, which has been described as a miracle in some circles, has been achieved
04:44thanks to the vigilance of health personnel of Santa Melania in Kolo III, Kwabang.
04:50Madam Gifo, who has been discharged, has expressed excitement as she returns home to be reunited
04:57with her other two children, whom she's been away from for about a week now.
05:04And the increasing theft of babies in health facilities is a worrisome phenomenon which
05:08psychologists say emanates from several factors ranging from the desperate need for babies
05:15and sometimes money rituals.
05:17Experts advise that stepping up the security machinery within hospitals could significantly
05:22curb the unfortunate situation.
05:24Alphonse Abongwa actually reports that new mothers must also be watchful after the birth
05:29of their children so as to limit distractions that give room for baby abductors to get
05:35their way easily.
05:38Wherever virtue finds a comfortable home to settle, vice always seeks a room to cohabit
05:44like a parasite.
05:46This is the new music that maternity wards in Cameroonian hospitals now dance to.
05:53Some baby-seeking women, some desperate, others filled with malicious intentions are
05:59flying at lower altitudes ready to pick up babies like hawks that go for chicks.
06:05Because we have desperate mothers, desperate women who look for a way to overcome their
06:12maternity, to be mothers and to have peaceful homes.
06:18A demand for babies for adoption, child trafficking or other illegal purposes which can motivate
06:24people to steal babies.
06:26Secondly, lack of security, inadequate security measures in hospitals can make it very easy
06:34for individuals to steal babies.
06:36Psychologists say some of these women turned baby hunters in health structures have issues
06:42with how society looks at them.
06:45Health experts say in the face of these rising social malaise, maternity wards and the entire
06:51hospital administration must upgrade security.
06:55While new mothers within these hospitals are also called to be more vigilant, to keep watch
07:01over their babies, there is need for these structures to work in collaboration with law
07:07enforcement officers.
07:09Health facilities may work with local law enforcement agencies to report incidents of
07:13baby theft and cooperate with investigations.
07:16It's very important. Otherwise, we will have a lot of tragic ends.
07:19Babies born to families bring joy.
07:22But when other people like wolves roam about such structures to abduct these babies, this
07:28joy is cut short and sends the family into pandemonium.
07:34Over in the northwest region, the Mesam Territorial Gendarmerie Regiment has recovered eight
07:39vehicles stolen by a group of suspects specialized in car theft in the town of Bamenda and its
07:45surroundings. The vehicles were uncovered thanks to a two-week crackdown operation
07:50masterminded by the commander of the Mesam Territorial Gendarmerie Regiment, Lieutenant
07:55Colonel Alobode Mwabepita.
07:57Eric Lamia will for report from Bamenda.
08:01A two-week operation carried out by forces of the Bamenda Territorial Gendarmerie Regiment
08:07uncovered these stolen vehicles.
08:10The vehicles were stolen in Bamenda and taken to a village in Santa Subdivision.
08:14We received information of the presence of a gang specialized in the stealing of vehicles in
08:22the town of Bamenda and its environment, and we decided to launch a special operation.
08:30And that special operation permitted us to dismantle this gang.
08:34Here at the Special Office of Resources and Criminal Investigations of Bamenda, these stolen
08:39vehicles are said to have been modified.
08:42As soon as they get these vehicles, because among the eight vehicles which we have here, four
08:48have their chassis numbers changed.
08:50So it looks like it's the first thing they do as soon as they get the stolen vehicles.
08:54Six suspects have been arrested in connection with the car theft.
08:58They are expected to be presented alongside the stolen vehicles to the state council in
09:03Bamenda. The Minister of Transport, Jean-Enes Masinangale-Bipehe, was on the Yaoundé-Bafousa
09:11and Yaoundé-Dwala highways to assess control and repression operations undertaken as part of the
09:17special Back to School Road Safety Campaign launched last June 5.
09:21The outcome of the two-month campaign has recorded 300 offences with overloading and
09:28overspeeding at the top of the ranking.
09:31Ewanepole reports.
09:35The context of the vacation season and the fight against road accidents prompted the Minister of
09:40Transport and his Director of Land Transport, Mbaimume Nkendong-Divine, to take action by
09:46making an announced visit to missed control posts along the Yaoundé-Bafousa and Yaoundé-Dwala
09:52highways. The move to assess the control and repression operation carried out as part of the
10:00special road safety campaign launched on June 5, 2024, also took the Minister to some travel
10:07agencies, checking the different services to ensure that all security measures are respected.
10:14But what we realized was that many buses were not comfortable. The way for us
10:19to ask the responsible of travel agency to make more efforts concerning their material.
10:28While also checking vehicles along the highways, the Minister suspended buses in bad state and
10:35without seatbelts from plying the road and requested managers of the travel agencies to
10:41transfer their passengers to comfortable buses. The campaign focused on speeding, driving under
10:48the influence of alcohol and drugs, overloading and failure to have roadworthiness documents.
10:56The people of the far north region have turned out massively to view the projection of the
11:01film Paul Biya, The State's Man, with an extraordinary destiny. This was during the
11:06Marwa tour screening yesterday. Amongst the thousands who attended the event was the House
11:11Speaker, the Right Honourable Kava Yege Gebril, who referenced President Paul Biya as the man who
11:16has given all to the far north region in his speech. Charles Ebuneh completes that story.
11:25The Marwa ceremonial ground in the far north region this Saturday, August 10, 2024, the year
11:32of our Allah. Temperatures are at 27 degrees Celsius. Clement, enough for the heavens and the
11:38universe to perfect the Siamese twins intimacy between the loyal people of the far north region
11:45and the new deal for eternal communion. About 10,000 people of the roughly four million people's
11:52region turn out enthusiastically to view the Marwa regional tour projection of the
11:58documentary on President Paul Biya, the man who has given them all.
12:06Let me tell you how much I do appreciate the massive presence of the sons and daughters of
12:12the far north region in this event, certainly cultural, but which demonstrates their patriotism.
12:23Amongst the top brass of the region present are cabinet members from here, the economic and
12:29traditional leadership crowned by the presence of the country's third personality, the House
12:34Speaker, the Right Honourable Kava Yege Gebril, who equally doubles as the far north permanent
12:40delegation leader of the governing Cameroon's People's Democratic Movement. All the speakers
12:45hear the creation of the Marwa University, the rolling back of Boko Haram, the construction of
12:51the Marwa Dabanga road underway amongst others are simply enough to constantly canvas their support
12:58for President Paul Biya. The one hour, 24 minutes film, Paul Biya, a statesman with an extraordinary
13:06destiny is directed by these two female Cameroonian producers under the supervision of
13:12the civil cabinet of the presidency with the artistic mapping of the arts and cultural ministry.
13:18The electrifying mobilization of the people of the far north region to view the film on the
13:24indelible works of their champion Paul Biya in their lives is yet another sure proof that they
13:32are the eldest daughter of the new day administration. Else all is political gesticulation.
13:40And the population of the far north region have celebrated the achievement of the President of
13:45the Republic, Paul Biya. This was after watching the documentary film on the President, a display
13:51of the rich and beautiful cultural heritage of Cameroon. Spiced this evening, Amos Endonyaket
13:56was one of the viewers. A rich cultural display of traditional sounds and readings from some
14:05cultural zones in Cameroon, such as from the Orocolan in the southwest region,
14:17served as a warm-up introduction as the population of Marwa and beyond
14:22got ready to savour the 90-minute film titled Paul Biya, a great statesman with an extraordinary
14:29destiny at the Marwa ceremonial ground. They came from within and without the far north region,
14:36drawn from different ethnic origins, political leanings and religion, led by the Speaker of the
14:43National Assembly, Right Honourable Kavai Yegegebrewe, accompanied by Far North Governor
14:50Mejiyawa Bakari, to witness first-hand the projection of the fame of a protagonist they
14:57consider as a champion of peace and social cohesion who deserves to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize.
15:05United by the national colours, green, red and yellow, with eyes focused on the same direction,
15:12three-layered giant screens, they appreciated the dexterity of the two producers,
15:17Kati Mbeba and Edzimo Solange, who used just 90 minutes to beautifully outline the achievements
15:24of the man Paul Biya in all of its ramifications since he took over the helm of the nation.
15:32The far north region is the third region where the film has been projected after Betwa in the
15:38east region and Douala in the littoral region. In other news, to help bridge the digital gap
15:46in Cameroon and open the doors of opportunities, UNESCO Chair for Central Africa Access ICT and the
15:53Royal University Institute of Baboucha in the west region have signed a partnership agreement.
15:59Both parties will ensure youths receive quality ICT training at their doorsteps.
16:03Details with Kelvin Nimbo.
16:06Through this partnership agreement between UNESCO Chair for Central Africa Access ICT
16:13represented by Armand-Claude Abanda and Royal University Institute of Baboucha-Niche,
16:19represented by the promoter, Professor Michel-C. Njena Wembo, young people, residents in rural,
16:27semi-urban and even urban centres will receive qualitative education at their doorsteps.
16:45Speaking on location in Banna, Opencam SDO, Lawrence D. N. Jam and Professor Jean-Paul
16:53who represented the Minister of Higher Education said it is a big opportunity for the youth to
17:00acquire knowledge and the needed entrepreneurial skills that will permit them set up their startups.
17:06It is going to contribute to the autonomization of the students of this institution
17:13and their professionalization. UNESCO Chair for Central Africa Access ICT allows for strategic
17:21and institutional partnership for access of young people and women to ICT in Central Africa
17:28in order to enjoy crucial services like online education, e-banking, digital economy and health
17:36care, amongst others. Over 2,000 inhabitants of Kolkose Monatale, a locality in the central region,
17:45have received free health consultations and treatment in the area. The new sheriff which
17:49is in its fourth edition is organized by the traditional ruler and elite of the Kolkose
17:56village, Dr. Jean Bethelo Zambou. Locals who could barely afford medical treatment or care
18:04were given free minor surgical operations and other medical assistance. Sandrine Tani reports.
18:12This is Timothe Mbassi, the 42-year-old mechanic traveled three kilometers from Monatale to Kolkose
18:19village just to benefit from this free health campaign in the area. For 16 years I have been
18:26suffering from stomach disorder and knee pain. I did not have enough money for proper health care
18:32so when I heard of this I had to try everything possible to be here and I am now satisfied.
18:39Just like him, several locals of Kolkose and its environment have shown up in their numbers to
18:45benefit from the free health campaign. I've been suffering with eye challenges so I am happy with
18:52this act from an elite of the area who is trying to keep his parents and his brothers in good
18:58conditions. The bearer of the initiative Dr. Jean Zambou says it is a responsibility to give
19:06back to his community. Medicine is the only thing I have and I can give or I can share
19:16with my people. This team of health specialist volunteers are carrying out consultations in
19:23general medicine and in other specialties like ophthalmology, dental surgery, gynecology amongst
19:30others. The locals will equally get free medication and glasses after consultations.
19:38And the people of Vogue Onamye in the Lekke division of the central region are poised to
19:43fast-track development in their various communities in order to contribute their
19:47quarter to the development of Cameroon. They gathered in the locality of Konambeng
19:52recently for the annual general assembly as Gilbert Ongene tells us.
19:58People of Vogue Onamye say they are more than ever before committed to contribute to the
20:04development of their communities and Cameroon at large. Vogue Onamye are found in four subdivisions
20:12of the Lekke division. It is the most populated clan of the division. The national president of
20:18the union Professor Tuna Mama has called on the sector president of Okula to use his experience
20:25garnered over the years to steer the ship of the sector to higher heights. I call on
20:33stronger solidarity and commitment to the development of our communities and the country
20:39as a whole. We are going to consolidate the achievement of the past 14 years
20:46and pave the way for better things for our people in this new mandate.
20:52The revision of the status of the association, installation of the president of the Okula
20:57sector of the union and a presentation of activities of the 10 sectors of the association
21:03constitute highlights of the come-together marked by traditional dances of the Lekke division.
21:12You are watching the 7.30 news brought to you live from Yaoundé. In religious news,
21:18Christians of the Albert Theodore Nyen Parish of the Eglise Presbyterian Camerones in Gwaikele
21:24here in Yaoundé have celebrated 40 years of pastoral ministry of their lead pastor
21:29Reverend François Mokwembe. In a special church service, the Christians prayed for God's grace
21:35upon the servant of God and his family as he pursues God's work on earth. Clovis Bawe tells us more.
21:44It is 40 years of devotedness, 40 years of selfless service that Reverend Pastor François Mokwembe
21:50has rendered to God's work and Christians of the Eglise Presbyterian Camerones.
21:55The Albert Theodore Nyen Parish is honoured to be under the leadership of a man described as
22:01the good shepherd. The past moment of this church has been very difficult
22:06and the appointment here as the moderator of this church has given a new brief for the faithful
22:16member of the church and that is a moment of thanksgiving for his good leadership
22:22through the faithful member of the church. For a man who has nurtured the dream of leading the
22:26people of God, the special church service organized in his honour is an encouragement
22:31for him to do even better. God has always supported me and I can only pray for his grace to keep me
22:38strong so that I can continue preaching his gospel and fulfill the mission assigned to me.
22:45The journey does not end here but rather prepares the servant of God for greater achievements
22:51and just as the good shepherd that knows how to cater for his sheep,
22:54Reverend Pastor François Mokwembe is ready to overcome the challenges
22:58that may arise during his pastoral ministry in the future.
23:04In a solemn and reverent ceremony, the Lutheran Church of Cameroon of the Autonomous Parish of
23:10Mélène in Yaoundé has consecrated a new group of deacons and deaconesses. The homily of the day
23:17emphasized the importance of the deaconate in the life of the church. Delphine Kwancha
23:23attended the service and now reports. There are 15 who have decided to serve God and the church
23:31with faith and love. Newly ordained church elders, deacons and deaconesses of the Lutheran Church
23:38of the Mélène Parish vowed to uphold the teachings and traditions of the church. Today we have been
23:45consecrated to the elder services. That is a great mission that has been given to us. We think
23:54that by his grace and by the Holy Spirit we can fulfill it. I hope that with God we will do
24:05everything in his name. The officiating pastor, Reverend Damsous Salimone, in his preaching calls
24:12on the newly ordained to continue God's work in his vineyard. We are calling on them to attach
24:20themselves to this call they have received from God and to put themselves at the service of the
24:25church. They are there to support and assist the pastor in supervising the faithful. Christians
24:33use the occasion to offer their prayers to the newly consecrated ministers.
24:38Away from religious news, Vice-Admiral Guillaume Guangali has been laid to rest in his native Bikouy village in Lollodoc,
24:48south region of Cameroon. The military ceremony was marked by religious ceremonies and eulogies
24:54that describe the Vice-Admiral as a man who inspired many. The funeral ceremony was chaired
24:59by the Minister Delegate of the Presidency in charge of defence, Joseph Béthias. Details with Elvis.
25:09The final journey to the land of the stars for the three-star Vice-Admiral began with a procession
25:16of a section of the Cameroon Navy to the Roger Miller Stadium in Big Bali, Lollodoc, south region.
25:23The religious service to celebrate the life of the devoted soldier and Christian, who also studied
25:29theology, saw the clergy of the Eglise Presbyterian Camerounes and the Bishop of Kribi take turns
25:37to pray for the eternal rest of Vice-Admiral Guillaume Guangali. Former colleagues, friends,
25:45members of social groups, traditional leaders and family members, eulogies that described the fallen
25:52Vice-Admiral as a man with a good heart. He was as devoted to his job as he was to the welfare
25:59of his close ones. He was a very good man, an example of a very caring and loving father.
26:09Grandpa's journey was one of immense dedication, courage and love. His legacy will forever guide
26:18and keep us. To be the best servant you could ever be. We love you. The Commander of the
26:264th Joint Military Region, Major General Sali Mohamedou, described the Pionier Vice-Admiral
26:33in Cameroon's Navy as a source of inspiration to his subordinates who lived a life of service
26:40and sacrifice. Our artist of the week is Manganga Severe, known by his artist name as Lucky Please
26:51The young musician who believes that hard work, discipline and respect are virtues everybody
26:57an artist should strive for. He has featured with Top Bikutsi Queen Lady Pons and the sensational
27:03Sandrine Nanga. Emma Tauwe provided him for the 730 News.
27:13Popular Bikutsi gospel singer Lucky Please Deux, who has over three albums and multiple singles
27:20of his smash hit songs, Don Mapa affirms his musical genre adds to his artistic flair.
27:28I learnt different genres of music when growing up but my environment played a vital role in
27:33making a choice. I decided to use a rhythm that is Bikutsi, adding a touch of urban style to it.
27:40A passionate footballer who later on delves into music as a career.
27:44I always dreamt of being a footballer but along the line I diverted since most people around me
27:52were music oriented. Lucky Please Deux as severates his songs communicates
27:58God's goodness towards him and resonates with his fan base.
28:03The gospel artist encourages budding musicians not to overlook core values of music like working
28:21on their vocals. The coming of machines facilitated work for artists because anyone can just go to
28:30the studio sing a song and tomorrow it's everywhere. Young artists like us have to
28:35understand that there is much work to be done. The artist says studio sessions continue for his next
28:42album. The six-week holiday sports program known as the Fandana Sports and Leisure Holiday has
28:51wrapped up in Yaoundé with a dazzling display of talents and energy from the over 200 participants
28:58The youths during the closing ceremony showcased the different types of sports and games taught
29:03to them since July 1 to the admiration of their tutors and parents. Chelsea Kwan takes us through
29:09the show. The atmosphere is electric as parents gather to witness the outcome of six weeks of
29:19training. Even the youngest competitors, some just 18 months, take their first steps towards
29:25greatness. They tumble, flip, kick and dance embodying the very essence of sportsmanship.
29:32From gymnastics to judo, football and karate, these young stars haven't just participated
29:39but built their talents. One of the main goal was to keep them awake. We can say we have achieved
29:45it as I said at 85 percent rate because when you look at them they are very happy. As the children
29:50perform, the emotions among the parents are as intense as the efforts of the little athletes.
29:57I am very pleased with what I just saw only after six weeks. I see the potentials of these kids and
30:04I am happy. Each moment is evidence to what can be achieved with dedication and a bit of imagination.
30:10This program was very good for me because for me it was an entertainment with the other children
30:18and I was very happy to be with other children of my age. These little ones may not be competing
30:25for gold medals yet but they are definitely winning hearts as future champions whose
30:30journeys begin today right in this very hall. And that does it for the 7.30 news. Thank you
30:38so much for being with us and do have a wonderful night and a great weekend.