Michael Cera romances the ladies with milk

  • 14 years ago

Michael Cera left fans laughing and guessing at the London premiere of Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.

The former Arrested Development actor walked the red carpet with the letters m and c written on his nose.

In his latest caper he plays Scott, a young man who falls in love with a girl and then has to fight her seven evil ex-boyfriends.

But in real life, the Superbad star, 22, does not have to go to such lenths to please the ladies.

The actor described the most romantic thing he had done for a woman: "I bought her a big jug of milk, she mentioned earlier she needed some milk, so I ran over to the store and got it so she wouldn't have to get it".

Cera admits he is getting more attention from women these days, but does not quite know how to handle it.

"It's scary when people shout at you. It's almost an animalistic reaction. You feel like a little kid at school," he said.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World hits cinemas from 25 August