Cameron to meet Salmond in Scotland

  • 14 years ago

New coalition prime minister David Cameron will meet with the Scottish First Minister Alex Salmond on Friday, following his declaration of "commitment to devolution" in a phone call.

Mr Cameron has pledged to govern Scotland with "respect", but Mr Salmond is demanding assurances from the new prime minister that his coalition government with the Liberal Democrats will not change the way the Scottish Government is funded without its consent.

Liberal Democrat elements of the coalition have already said recommendations of the Calman Commission for the Scottish parliament to have greater tax-raising powers will be implemented.

Mr Salmond has said that his Government will "work closely" with the coalition to develop a system which "increases accountability and promotes Scotland's economic interests".

Following this week's agreement between Nick Clegg and David Cameron, Mr Salmond said the Lib Dems had "ushered in" a Tory Government, while Labour Holyrood leader Iain Gray said the Lib Dems' agreement with the Tories was a "deal with the devil".

A Downing Street spokesman said: "The Prime Minister looked forward to working closely with the First Minister and repeated his commitment to devolution and his desire to come to Scotland soon."