貝諾法王的祝福-葉衣佛母心咒 The Mantra of Parnashavari

  • 4年前
iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/bei-nuo-fa-wang-de-zhu-fu/id717089541?l=zh
kkbox http://kkbox.fm/7a0NOS
myMusic http://www.mymusic.net.tw/album/show/23734
friDay音樂 http://www.omusic.com.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1190334

不安的年代 慈悲的護祐

2002年,尊貴的 貝諾法王來台時應我們的祈請,錄製了對世界及台灣的開示,並且明白的預示了戰爭與病災的來臨,開示中提到:世間的苦樂都是根據因果來的,不可能有和因果無關的苦樂會產生。並特別強調應經常「祈請蓮師」、「祈請三寶」及「守護因果」的重要性及廣大利益。在這個不安、煩惱念頭增盛的年代,這篇開示文能幫助我們消除障礙,得到三寶慈悲的守護。本輯並收錄與法王開示內容相關的心咒:蓮師心咒、藥師佛心咒、葉衣佛母心咒及白度母心咒,希望能為我們帶來平安、吉祥。

尊貴的 貝諾法王對台灣與世界的開示(擷選)


The Blessing From the H. H. Penor Rinpoche For World Peace
演唱者 :貝諾法王、堪布貝瑪千貝仁波切 / H. H. Penor Rinpoche ,Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche
出版發行:原動力文化 / PBC MUSIC

During His visit to Taiwan in August 2002; we requested His Holiness Penor Rinpoche recorded a teaching for the disciples of Taiwan and rest of the world, he predicted an upcoming war and disease in the teachings. Rinpoche mentioned: All the sufferings and happiness are the result of our karma, it is impossible to have suffering and happiness from unrelated karma. Rinpoche further emphasized on the importance of “Praying to the Triple Jewels” and “Obeying the Law of Karma” and benefiting others in general. In this increasingly unstable and troublesome stage, this teaching will help us to remove our obscurations and receive the compassionate blessing from the Triple Jewels. The original voice of “Lama Channo”, Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche did a puja before recording this special album- Root Mantra of White Tara and Medicine Buddha, wishing us an auspicious luck and peace.