花開時節-喜是佛誕生 KYID CHIG REY 葛莎雀吉

  • 4年前
佛法如綻放的花朵 充滿我們貧窒已久的心靈
秋林仁波切--「密勒日巴」首部曲 電影配樂
iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/hua-kai-shi-jie/id774331976?l=zh
kkbox http://kkbox.fm/6a0Wvi
myMusic http://www.mymusic.net.tw/album/show/23738
friDay音樂 http://omusic.friday.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1190355

台灣製作,成功進軍歐美市場,葛莎雀吉首張專輯「度母化聲」在歐美發行即受到高度重視,國際音樂雜誌Global Rhythm 如此介紹她:「葛莎雀吉是西藏最傑出的民謠歌手,她甜美溫柔的歌聲成為維護西藏文化最強而有力的聲音。」

世界越混亂,就越能見到佛法的可貴,這是葛莎雀吉對佛法的信念,也是她真心的祈願,她花了一年的時間深入印藏邊地,拜訪了許多西藏的老者、高僧,研讀許多古老的典籍,包含了倉央嘉措的情歌等多首曲目,其中也包含了她的創作。這張專輯稱得上是西藏文化的寶庫,有佛法也有愛情。製作人王苒馨以強烈的NEW AGE色彩將傳統歌謠形繪出清新的現代質感,葛莎雀吉的美聲,不僅在表象,更蘊涵了深深的祈願,願佛法的花朵,在每個人的心中綻放。


花開時節 Where The Heart Blossoms
演唱者 :葛莎雀吉 / Kelsang Chukie Tethong

The essence of Tibetan cultural lies upon the teachings of Buddha. As the world becomes more chaotic, it is Chukie's belief as well as her personal conviction that by following Buddha's path, there is an end of suffering.
Chukie spent one year visiting remote areas near India, Tibetan borders to study old text and learn traditional songs from elder lamas, practitioners and scholars to perfect her music. Along side of her own creations, this CD includes the love songs from the Sixth Dalai Lama, traditional folks songs and songs of Buddha's teachings. All songs she performed for this CD were blessed by His Holiness Dalai Lama.
Producer Jane Wang Beck added a colorful touch to the music ensemble that combined New Age music with traditional Tibetan songs. Chukie's beautiful voice not only conveys the sincere goodwill wish she has for her fellow human beings, her music has also blossomed in each every individual's heart.
