光明真言 Vairocana Buddha Mantra - 光明遍照 - 伊藤佳代

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光明真言 Vairocana Buddha Mantra
◎一聽 心就亮了

2020年 6月 原動力誠心推薦!

Vairocana (also Maha Vairocana, in Sanskrit) in Vajrayana Budhism is consider to be the Primordial Buddha. The mantra of Vairocana is called the Mantra of Light. It is also the heart mantra of all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.

The Vairocana Mantra of Light in Sanskrit has 23 words. Through the beautiful chanting of Ito Kayo, the mantra became very easy to remember and with great affinity. It makes you feel like listening to it every where you go.

It is said that if you could chant the Mantra of Light many times, it will bring you the wisdom of light, protect you from the negative spirits and energy, and help you to receive the positive energy from the universe. Finally, you can be courageous, positive and happy.
