宗喀巴-宗喀巴心咒 Heart Mantra of Tsangkhapa

  • 4年前
安住心性之寶 法音藏

kkbox http://kkbox.fm/7a0TOS
♪myMusic http://www.mymusic.net.tw/album/show/23733
friDay音樂 http://omusic.friday.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1190339

The Gelugpa traditional chanting has a distinctive resonant voice frequency. This selection has especially recorded the Je Tsongkhapa's Prayer (Migtsema); Purification prayer for the purification of the vows and to increase merits; Homage to Tara of subduing the evil obstacles and chanting in Sanskrit of Refuge to Triple Jewels. It is especially notable that most of the songs in this selection are originated since more than 300 years ago, from Great Adept Dagpo Rinpoche of Gelugpa Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The chanting tones of Duchen Rinpoche and Shapey Rinpoche are tempered force with mercy, which greatly helps concentration. Picked from the remote mountains in the wilderness, the mysterious sounds of insects and birds together with natural rhymes will feel oneself just like in the empty valley in mountains, displaying a pure and constant energy.

宗喀巴 Tsongkhapa
演唱者 :竹清仁波切、夏沛仁波切 / Duchen Rinpoche ,Shapey Rinpoche
語言  :中文、英文、藏文 / Chinese ,English ,Tibetan
音樂類型:極珍貴法音 / The most precious chants
出版發行:原動力文化 /PBC MUSIC
