內修蓮師持明總集薈供儀軌2 - Offering Sadhana of Vidyadhara Assembly of Longchen Nyingthig 2

  • 4年前


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Offering Sadhana of Guru Padmasambhava Vidyadhara Assembly is one of the teachings of Longchen Nyingthig and is performed here by the monks from Palyul Lineage of Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The content in this CD was recorded on Guru Rinpoche's 'birth' anniversary on the tenth day, month of monkey and year of Monkey, this year (2004), which is considered extremely auspicious as it comes only every 12 years according to the Tibetan Buddhist calendar. Lasting 78 minutes, the recording of this Dharma sound naturally in union with the soul, was completed in one go in accordance with the teachings.
In his teachings, Guru Rinpoche advised disciples to contribute to the Buddha's body, speech and mind; to save and liberate living beings and on the beginning, the tenth, 25th and end of the month to do the Offering Sadhanas; to practice generosity, to offer butter lamps, to care for others more than oneselves and to liberate sentient being with Bodhicitta (arousing the enlightened mind) and six paramitas. May all sentient beings truly realize the teachings of Guru Padmasambhava.