施身法修持儀軌-施身法修持儀軌2 The Practice of Chöd 2

  • 4年前
kkbox http://kkbox.fm/7a0iMx
friDay音樂 http://omusic.friday.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1190341


施身法修持儀軌 The practice of Chöd
演唱者 :喇嘛秋札、喇嘛江秋、喇嘛給桑 / by the Monks Chodrak, Kelsang and Jangchup
出版發行:原動力文化 / PBC MUSIC

This collection has been sung by the Monks Chodrak, Kelsang and Jangchup from the Kagyud Lineage and has been recorded live at the practice of Chöd without any addition other than the original voice and ritual instruments.
The practice of Chöd is to turn our body and defilements into nectar and offer to all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and the four devils and sentient beings of six realms. the Chöd
will nurture our wisdom, rouse Bodhicitta the mind of enlightenment to remove our selfishness; cut off samsara by the view of emptiness; cut off the four devils and defilements, the root of all the origin of negative karmas and the samsara the cycle of existence.
