諸佛總集—蓮花生-法報化三身心咒 Mantras of Three Buddha-bodies

  • 4年前

kkbox http://kkbox.fm/7a0cOS
♪MyMusic http://www.mymusic.net.tw/album/show/23730
♫friDay音樂 http://omusic.friday.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1190368
Apple Music https://music.apple.com/us/album/%E8%AB%B8%E4%BD%9B%E7%B8%BD%E9%9B%86-%E8%93%AE%E8%8A%B1%E7%94%9F/1339668548


諸佛總集 —蓮花生 Guru Padmasambhava—Essense Of All The Buddhas
演唱者 :南卓仁波切 / Namdrol Rinpoche
音樂類型:極珍貴法音 / The most precious chants
出版發行:原動力文化 / PBC MUSIC

Listen to Namdrol Rinpoche's Dharma Voice - Meditate on Guru Padmasambhava's Kind Grace for the Sentient Beings
Making this collection spanned across Taipei, Beijing and Norway using mainly Chinese musical instruments of Zither, bamboo flute, vertical bamboo flute and chime stone etc. and performed with the traditional analogical instruments making the sound appear simply honest and rich which greatly improved the essential extensity for contemplation. Listening to this complete collection makes us feel as though we did a profound prayer and connect with Guru Padmasambhava.