圓滿上師祈請文 - 供燈祈願文 Prayer for Offering Lamp

  • 4年前
iTunes https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/cang-zhou-jing-xuan6-yuan/id717037108?l=zh
kkbox http://kkbox.fm/7a0KOS
myMusic http://www.mymusic.net.tw/album/show/23736
friDay音樂 http://www.omusic.com.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1190333



Great Perfection Guru Prayer” is Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche’s second album,
a sequel to “Lama Channo”

Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche was nominated for the best male singer for his Lama Channo CD; which also won the best CD award in the Religious Music of Golden Melody Awards in 2001.
This CD took one year to produce; it is Khenpo’s wish to spread the dharma through singing and beautiful melodies. There are 8 carefully chosen prayers sung with Khenpo’s strong devotions and gentle voice. They touch every heart and soul and deliver the powerful dharma spirit though out the CD.

Tibetan Mantra and Sutra in New Age -Collection Ⅵ
演唱者 : 堪布貝瑪千貝仁波切、烏金喇嘛 / Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche
音樂類型: 極珍貴法音 / The most precious chants
出版發行: 原動力文化 / PBC MUSIC