Israeli police find teen body in Jerusalem Forest

  • 10 years ago
Israeli police have found the body of a fourth teenager less than a day after Israel buried three students abducted near a Jewish settlement.

Police believe the discovery, in Jerusalem Forest, is linked to the reported kidnapping of a Palestinian youth in east Jerusalem early on Wednesday morning.

The boy’s father has been taken by police to identify the body.

Residents reportedly witnessed a teen being forced into a vehicle outside a supermarket in a Palestinian neighbourhood.

Israel suspects it may have been in revenge for the murders of the young Israeli men.

Meanwhile in Arab East Jerusalem, several hundred Israeli youths clashed with police. The protesters called for revenge for the murder of the Israeli teens.

There were around 50 arrests.

On Tuesday, tens of thousands of mourners joined in an outpouring of national grief at the funeral of the three Israelis whose abduction Israel is blaming on Palestinian Islamic group Hamas.

Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu insisted Israel will continue to search for those responsible

“Whoever was involved in the kidnapping and the murder will bear the consequences.

“We will neither rest nor slow down until we reach the last of them and it does not matter where they will try to hide,” he added.

Hamas has neither confirmed no denied involvement.