Help pledged by prime minister for flood-hit UK

  • 10 years ago
A vital rail link in south west England was left hanging in mid air after a storm collapsed the sea wall which lay beneath it.

The rain and gales which have lashed the region have caused widespread flooding and political posturing.

British Prime Minister David Cameron has pledged an extra 35 million euros for the area.

“Too little too late,” was the response from some critics. It’s estimated the region’s economy has been hit to the tune of two and a half million euros each day.

“I can understand that it’s a traumatic time for them to have your business, your livelihood, your homes flooded is a very distressing time and our thoughts are with the people at this time. We’ve done the maximum that we can in terms of work to date before the floods came,” said Kate Marks British Environment Agency.

Forecasters have warned there is more to come for the region with another series of storms set to strike the area at the weekend.

The north west of France has also been in the front line of the gales and rain. In one town homes close to the sea have been evacuated.

“I am worried a about the people who have been suffering in these storms because this is the third time we have had flooding since Christmas and the people are tired. It has been going on for a month and a half now,” Alain Pennec who is the Mayor of Quimperlé

Weather warnings remain in place across the north west of France. Authorities said 70,000 homes were without power and the number could rise after winds of up to 120 kilometres per hour hit the coast line on Thursday night.
