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We take a look at the innovative EYFS Hub building at Much Wenlock Primary School.


00:00We're at Murch Wenlock Primary School today and we're outside the nursery and early years block where they've got something quite unique.
00:07Everything's from a car boot or a charity shop and their teacher and lead, Emma Nicholas, is all behind that.
00:13Shall we go and have a chat with her and see what she's been up to?
00:16Yeah, so when I took over there was nothing in that room. It was pretty much empty apart from a table and a bookshelf.
00:22So what we had to do was decide on our pedagogy and about how we wanted the room to look, how we wanted it to feel.
00:29We take a lot of inspiration from the Curiosity Approach, Montessori, Reggio Emilia and we just went to car boot sales, charity shops
00:37and me and my team spend most of our weekends just buying stuff to create this room that we have.
00:42So we built it up from absolutely nothing to create a space that is homely, that is natural, all real resources.
00:50So the children just use China tea sets, they use old clothes that we found or people have donated to dress up.
00:57We wouldn't have things like superhero costumes, we don't have toys.
01:01They build their own resources, they make their own learning and use what they've got around them.
01:06There's a trolley in there, I don't know whether you saw it, it's like a cocktail trolley and we picked it up for Ā£5 from a car boot.
01:11It's a 1970s cocktail trolley and the children have got loads of loose parts on it.
01:15They have gems, conkers, pine cones, corks that we found, a bag of corks at a car boot sale, stones, picture frames that they use for absolutely everything.
01:24They wheel the trolley around dressed up pretending it's a food cart or they'll take things off it and they'll make pictures or use it as things in the home corner.
01:32It's lovely to see them using things the way that it's meant to.
01:35Lots of different materials, so what we kind of wanted was we wanted real objects.
01:39We wanted things that were real, that were more meaningful.
01:41So if you pick up something that's plastic it's always going to feel the same.
01:44Whereas if you pick up something that's made out of glass or wood or anything else that's a real natural material then it's not going to feel the same so that sensory input is different.
