• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Si è svolta a Milano l’iniziativa ‘EY Tax Update 2025 Riforma fiscale: sfide e opportunità per le imprese’, organizzata da EY, azienda leader nei servizi professionali di revisione e organizzazione contabile, fiscalità, transaction e advisory. In collaborazione con esperti del settore, l’evento ha affrontato i cambiamenti nel rapporto tra fisco e contribuente, la futura riforma IVA e le implicazioni fiscali delle operazioni straordinarie, per poi analizzare le conseguenze fiscali dell'agile working, secondo le raccomandazioni del tavolo di studio Ocse e i recenti trend delle verifiche fiscali a livello domestico e internazionale.


00:00Fiscal changes in the relationship between tax and taxpayer, the future IVA reform and the tax implications of extraordinary operations,
00:13analyzing subsequently the tax consequences of agile working, according to the recommendations of the OXE study table and the recent trends of tax checks at the domestic and international level.
00:26These are the main themes discussed in the course of the IWAI Tax Update 2025 event, Tax Reform, Challenges and Opportunities for Companies,
00:36which has brought together illustrious personalities of the sector such as the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Finance Guard, ASSONIME and companies.
00:44The challenges of direct tax today are to embrace change, to evolve at the same time, to change in a more collaborative tax-tax ratio,
00:55to face increasingly pressing internal requirements, to face a pressure on costs, to face a crisis of the repeatability of talent and young collaborators.
01:06This is where artificial intelligence can help. It can help in compliance, it can help in the replacement of tasks,
01:13freeing up time for the available resources and it can also help in the comprehension of costs,
01:18in order to concentrate on following the change and revolve in the role of the tax service.
01:23During the event, it was also discussed the role of compliance institutions in the relationship between tax and taxpayers.
01:30As in all situations, the implementation of reforms is always left, after the regulatory phase, in the hands of those who have to act on it
01:38and certainly the operating margins of the financial administration are very wide,
01:44so the compliance institutions, which are many, are not only those called compliance,
01:50so the strengthening of the cooperative, but there are many other institutions,
01:54so the implementation and strengthening of the interpellation, the implementation of the simplified consultation service,
02:01where they will be carried out in homage to the principles of the Delegate Law,
02:06so in the interest of the protection of taxpayers and the strengthening of preventive compliance,
02:11they will certainly be elements and points of strength in the scope of the strengthening of the relationship between tax and taxpayers,
02:21inspired by the principles of transparency and collaboration.
02:24The Deputy Director General and Director of the Tax Office of Astonime
02:28has illustrated the opportunities and gaps of the new re-alignment regimes.
02:32With the reform, the re-alignment regimes have been completely reorganized.
02:36Today there is a unique discipline, certainly easier to manage,
02:41there is the possibility of re-aligning separately between IRES and IRAP,
02:46the system is certainly more coordinated because the deadlines, which were previously misaligned,
02:52are now re-aligned, shortening those that were probably excessively long,
02:57but above all extending those that were difficult to apply.
03:01The gaps have worsened from this point of view, there is no doubt,
03:06but the global re-alignment has been unblocked, which today is basically always feasible.
