Enrico Caruso - Rachel quand du Seigneur la grâce tutélaire (1920)

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Enrico Caruso

"Rachel, quand du Seigneur la grâce tutélaire" = in English this means "Rachel, When the Grace of the Lord Entrusted Thee to Me"

Marcel Proust makes many references to the aria in his work. The character Bloch, who is Jewish, inspires the narrator's grandfather to hum melodies from this opera.

The mistress of Saint-Loup is named Rachel, but her names is often given as "Rachel, when from the
Lord" (again, this shows the influence of the opera on Proust).

From Act 4 of the opera La Juive

Victor 88625

September 14, 1920

Composer is Jacques Fromental Halévy.
