Global COVID-19 cases top 3,000,000

  • 4 years ago
전 세계 코로나19 확진 3백만 명...미국 여전히 진정세 보이지 않아

The number of global COVID-19 cases has topped another milestone this time three million cases.
The U.S. is also still seeing a large number of new infections.
New cases in the U.S. have reached a daily average of almost 25-thousand this month.
Russia reported over 6-thousand new cases on Sunday alone,... its largest tally for a single day.
In Europe, the COVID-19 situation seems to have settled somewhat.
Spain saw fewer than 300 deaths on Sunday,... the lowest since the end of March.
Italy has reported 2-thousand new daily cases on average as of late,... a sharp decline from its peak of around 6-thousand.
Italy is to resume economic activities in early May.