Seoul to extend public transport on college entrance exam day

  • 5 years ago
수능 보는 14일 서울 지하철 증편…개인택시 부제 해제

Seoul City is set to implement special public transport measures for this year's nationwide college entrance exam,…which takes place Thursday.
Morning rush hour subway operations will be extended by two hours, running from 6 to 10 a.m., …with extra trains throughout the day.
Downtown buses will also run more frequently between 6 and 8:10 a.m. …and 16-thousand additional private taxis will operate during the morning hours.
More than 800 vehicles will be on standby near subway stations and bus stops to help transport students to their test sites free of charge.
This year, nearly 550-thousand students across Korea will take the College Scholastic Ability Test or Suneung as it's m in Korea.