Bloomberg leads Trump by 6 points in 2020 election matchup

  • 5 years ago
"블룸버그, 美민주후보 중 6위"...샌더스 "억만장자의 오만" 직격

A new poll shows the billionaire former mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, would beat U.S. President Donald Trump by 6 percentage points in a hypothetical 2020 matchup.
The Morning Consult/Politico poll showed Bloomberg as the 6th most popular candidate among likely Democratic primary voters if he jumps into the primary.
The poll comes as Bloomberg has signaled he was deciding whether to enter the race.
The leading liberal presidential candidate Bernie Sanders warned Bloomberg on Saturday that he would not be able to "buy this election."
He said Bloomberg's plan to skip campaigning in early voting states showed the arrogance of billionaires.
This comes as President Trump faces the second round his impeachment inquiry as public hearings are scheduled to begin on Wednesday.
