• 5 years ago
싱가포르 및 중국 포함 이웃국가들 한일무역 갈등에 자유무역 지지표명

The foreign ministers of Seoul and Tokyo are actively conveying their stances to the international society at the ASEAN Foreign ministers' meeting in Thailand.
A number of countries showed their support to Korea by stressing the importance of fair and open trade.
Seo Eunkyung has the full story.
Sources say at the closed-door meeting in Bangkok, Singapore and China expressed their support for Seoul's stance against Japan's whitelist decision.
At the ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers' meeting held in Bangkok on Friday,... Singapore's foreign minister, Vivian Balakrishnan, said Japan should add countries to its whitelist, not take them off... as part of building trust and interdependence for the region's co-prosperity.
Balakrishnan actually put aside his prepared speech, saying he wanted to present an honest view of the matter.
Chinese foreign minister, Wang Yi, backed this up,... saying that the countries of East Asia are one family and in that sense, he regrets that these issues have arisen.
Wang Yi then said such issues need to be resolved through trust and goodwill.
Wang did not explicitly name Japan, but his comment is seen as putting moderate pressure on Japan.
In the East Asia Summit foreign ministers' meeting that followed after,... the Singaporean foreign minister expressed his concern that a major economic power has made such a unilateral decision and emphasized the importance of multilateralism and free trade.
In addition, Thai's foreign ministry's deputy permanent secretary expressed his regrets on recent measures regarding trade retaliations within the region, whether those are between the U.S. and China or South Korea and Japan.
SEO Eunkyung, Arirang News


