Total fertility rate falls to 1.01 in Q1

  • 5 years ago
1분기 합계출산율 1.01명...전년 동기 대비 0.07명 감소

Since December 2015, the number of births in Korea has been falling on-year every month, and that trend continued in March.
The fertility rate for March also fell again compared to the previous year.
Kim Hyesung reports.
The number of births in South Korea fell 9-point-7 percent on-year in March.
According to Statistics Korea on Wednesday, there were 27-thousand births recorded in March this year, down from 30-thousand tallied in the same month of 2018.
This is the lowest number of newborns in the month of March since Statistics Korea began compiling the data on a monthly basis in 1981.
As for the first quarter, the total fertility rate, the average number of children a woman bears in her lifetime, was at 1-point-zero-1, down zero-point-07 from the first quarter of 2018.
The fertility rate has continued to slide in South Korea, with the rate hitting a record low of zero-point-98 last year.
That's much lower than the replacement level of 2-point-1 that would keep South Korea's population stable at around 50 million.
Korea is also the only country in the OECD that has a total fertility rate below one much lower than the OECD average of 1-point-68.
Statistics Korea attributed the decline in childbirths to the falling number of marriages and the falling number of women aged between 30 and 34.
The number of marriages dropped near 11 percent on-year to 59-thousand in the first quarter, while the number of divorces jumped 5 percent to 27-thousand.
The number of deaths in the first quarter dropped 8 percent on-year to around 75-thousand.
Kim Hyesung, Arirang News.
