Joint discussion body launched to discuss car pool row

  • 5 years ago
The launch ceremony for a joint discussion body on car sharing services in South Korea was held on Tuesday at the National Assembly.
It's the outcome of months of protests from the local taxi industry regarding a car-pool service app by a subsidiary of Kakao Corporation.
Kim Mok-yeon reports.

A joint discussion body of government officials, lawmakers and representatives from the taxi industry and Kakao Corporation was finally launched on Tuesday.
It comes as Kakao Mobility, a subsidiary of the Kakao Corporation, announced it would halt the pilot operation of its car-pool service app last week to try to bring representatives of the local taxi industry to the negotiating table.
Industry workers have been protesting over the launch of the service, with two taxi drivers even burning themselves to death in opposition to it.
Taxi industry representatives from four organizations agreed to join the discussion body, which will be led and arbitrated by ruling Democratic Party lawmaker Jeon Hyun-heui.
In her opening remarks, Jeon thanked both the taxi industry and Kakao for showing willingness to solve this issue through talks.
She promised to do her best to settle the conflict and come up with a win-win approach that can ultimately lead to the development of the industry.

Though the two sides have made it to the negotiating table, the talks are not expected to be easy.
A representative from one taxi organization stressed that the quote "car-pool problem" must be the addressed directly, hinting of hopes for the service to be scrapped.

"The carpool problem must be the first priority for talks. Discussions on other issues such as improving the welfare and financial conditions of taxi drivers should be addressed later.

The head of Kakao Mobility meanwhile stressed the need for an innovative change in the current system with the help of the latest technology.

"If the taxi industry merges with the latest innovative platform technology, there will be a way for both the taxi and mobility industries to prosper together."

The discussion body kicked off its first meeting right after the launch ceremony on Tuesday.
In the coming days, discussions are likely to focus the specifics of the car pool issue and also touch upon the difficulties taxi drivers are facing such as working conditions and wage stability.

Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.
