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Asr e Hazir aur Ahkam e Deen

Topic: Tawahumaat

Speaker: Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi

#AsreHaziraurAhkameDeen #muftiahsannaveedniazi #aryqtv

This program is based on the statement of jurisprudence and Shariah orders, in which the questions raised by the viewers through live calls will be answered and they will be guided in Shariah according to the requirements of the modern age.

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00:30In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
00:32All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Earth and the Heavens.
00:33And peace and blessings be upon the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:35And upon his family and his companions, and upon his imam and his scholars.
00:38Amma baad.
00:39Respected viewers, once again we are here with the programme Asr-e-Hadir
00:43and Ahqam-e-Deen.
00:46As you know, we always discuss a topic in this programme.
00:50During this time, your live calls are also entertained
00:53and your queries are also addressed.
00:56So, today as well, God willing, we will discuss a topic
00:58and during this time, your calls will also be entertained
01:01and your queries will also be addressed.
01:03And as we have mentioned before,
01:06the playlist of the official YouTube channel of ARYQ TV
01:08is already made in the name of Asr-e-Hadir and Ahqam-e-Deen.
01:12It is also uploaded there.
01:14If you have never seen this programme
01:16or if you have seen it and want to understand it properly,
01:19if you want to note it down,
01:20then you can go to the official YouTube channel of ARYQ TV
01:23and search for the programme in the playlist of Asr-e-Hadir and Ahqam-e-Deen.
01:27So, watch it yourself and share it with the intention of reward.
01:32So, dear viewers, the topic we have chosen today is Tawahumaat.
01:37Today, God willing, we will discuss Tawahumaat.
01:40When we look at our society,
01:42we see a lot of Tawahumaat in our society.
01:47There are misconceptions that are spread among people
01:50and it is a generation after generation process that is going on.
01:54It is a process that has been going on since the time of our forefathers.
01:58Our fathers used to say this, our aunts used to say this,
02:01our family members used to say this.
02:03It has been going on since the time of our forefathers.
02:05Then it is transferred to the next generation.
02:07The same misconceptions, the same Tawahumaat.
02:09Then it is transferred to the next generation.
02:11That is, from one generation to the next,
02:14from the second to the third, from the third to the fourth.
02:16That is, it is a continuous process of these misconceptions.
02:20And we see it all over the world.
02:23It is not that it is only in a particular area.
02:27Yes, it is in some areas, it is more in some areas,
02:30it is less in some areas, but it happens everywhere.
02:33Wherever humans live, humans are also subject to misconceptions.
02:37And basically, these misconceptions,
02:40I call it a disease.
02:43Just as there are other diseases,
02:45because there are some physical diseases,
02:47in the same way, the Tawahumaat is also basically a disease.
02:52It is just that some are related to neurological weakness,
02:55to the disease of nerves,
02:57some are related to faith weakness, to the disease of faith.
03:01So, some people have weak nerves,
03:04due to weak nerves, they are susceptible to some misconceptions.
03:07And some people have weak faith,
03:10so due to weak faith, they are susceptible to misconceptions.
03:15So, anyway, if you have a neurological weakness,
03:18then you should get treatment for it.
03:20If you have a faith weakness, then you should get treatment for it.
03:23Neither should your nerves be weak, nor should your faith be weak.
03:27Our nerves should be strong, and our faith should be strong.
03:32Our faith, our trust, our belief,
03:35this belief should also be strong.
03:38And a Muslim should have a strong faith.
03:42A Muslim should have a strong trust in Allah.
03:45A Muslim should have a strong faith in Allah.
03:48When we say,
03:49There is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.
03:53When we say, There is no God but Allah,
03:55there is no God but Allah,
03:57then it should be firm in our hearts
04:00that our God is Allah,
04:03and He is the true Beloved,
04:05He is the true Seeker,
04:07He is the true Purpose,
04:08and He is the Lord of all Powers and Powers.
04:12And it is by His Will that He is selfless, and He is the Lord of all.
04:18It is by His Will that whatever happens, happens by His Will,
04:22and whatever does not happen, does not happen by His Will.
04:25Whatever He wants, happens, and whatever He does not want, does not happen.
04:28There is no personal influence in anything.
04:33He is the Creator of all kinds of influences.
04:36It is by His Will that they are influenced.
04:38So, whatever Allah the Almighty has told us,
04:41whatever the Beloved of Allah has told us,
04:45our faith should be firm on those things as well.
04:48Our faith should be firm on Allah,
04:50our faith should be firm on the words of Allah,
04:52our faith should be firm on the words of Allah,
04:55our faith should be firm on the words of the Prophets of Allah.
04:59The teachings that He has taught us,
05:01and you see,
05:02the one who has complete faith,
05:03the one who has firm faith is a Muslim,
05:05he is never a victim of these illusions.
05:09The people who are victims of these illusions,
05:14the majority of them are either non-Muslims or Muslims,
05:19but they do not have complete faith,
05:22they do not have firm faith,
05:23they are weak in their faith.
05:25They are weak in their faith,
05:26which should not be the case.
05:28Muslims should not be weak in their faith.
05:31Those who are not Muslims,
05:33they are followers of a religion
05:37whose teachings have been distorted.
05:40Or those who do not believe in any religion,
05:43they are atheists, they are agnostics,
05:44even if they have illusions,
05:46even if there is a misconception,
05:48they are far from the truth,
05:50they are far from the truth,
05:52they have not received the light of the truth.
05:54But those who are Muslims,
05:56if they are Muslims and they are victims of these illusions,
05:59then it is very surprising
06:01that they are Muslims,
06:02they have received the truth,
06:04they are familiar with the light of the truth,
06:06and our religion is a religion of knowledge,
06:08a religion of belief,
06:10a religion of faith,
06:11our religion teaches us to have faith,
06:13it teaches us to have faith.
06:14So, those who are followers of this religion,
06:16they should not be victims of any kind of illusion.
06:20And even if there is a misconception,
06:21they should immediately turn to Allah,
06:25they should read the prayers
06:26which are taught in the Hadith.
06:28And the teachings of the Holy Quran,
06:31the verses,
06:32the verses of the Muslims should be remembered,
06:34and the person should recall those verses,
06:35and immediately reject that thought,
06:38reject that misconception,
06:39and do not have that misconception.
06:41Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
06:43has taught this to His Beloved in the Holy Quran,
06:45it is mentioned in Surah Taubah,
06:47that Allah, the Lord of the worlds, said,
06:48قُلْ لَن يُصِيبَنَا إِلَّا مَا كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَنَا
06:52هُوَ مَوْلَنَا وَعَلَى اللَّهِ فَلْيَتَوَكَّلِ الْمُؤْمِنُونَ
06:57O Beloved, say,
06:58we will never receive what Allah has written for us.
07:03That is our task,
07:05and the believers should trust Allah alone.
07:09Every Muslim should remember this verse,
07:11this verse should be etched in our hearts and minds,
07:14and whenever at any point in life,
07:17there is a situation,
07:18a weak moment,
07:20a thought,
07:21a corrupt thought,
07:22a corrupt view,
07:23a falsehood,
07:24if it comes,
07:25a misconception,
07:27if it comes to us,
07:27or to someone who is with us,
07:29we should immediately recall this verse,
07:31recall this verse,
07:32and reject that thought from our hearts and minds,
07:35and the Muslim who has such a thought in his heart and mind,
07:39and he is expressing it with his tongue,
07:41teach him this,
07:42and explain it to him,
07:43instruct him,
07:44that such misconceptions are just misconceptions,
07:46we should reject such misconceptions,
07:49we should not cultivate such misconceptions.
07:50A person's faith in Allah should be strong,
07:53our faith in Allah should be strong,
07:56and Allah the Almighty is the Real Enforcer,
08:00He is the Real Influencer.
08:02It is by His will and His doing,
08:05and not by His unwillingness and unwillingness.
08:08So, there is no personal influence in things.
08:12So, our views should be crystal clear.
08:15Now, we come to some misconceptions,
08:18which are found in people,
08:21which are prevalent in our society.
08:22As I said,
08:23not only in the subcontinent,
08:26but wherever people live,
08:28there are misconceptions all over the world.
08:31It is just that they are different,
08:32in some areas, there is some kind of misconception,
08:35in other areas, there is some other misconception,
08:38but it is there.
08:39And people who are educated in the world,
08:43they are also victims of misconceptions.
08:44This is not only related to traditional education.
08:48Sometimes, we see a lot of victims of misconceptions in traditional education as well.
08:53And since we are in contact with all kinds of public dealing,
08:57we are in contact with all kinds of people,
08:58they come to us, they come to Andal Eftah as well,
09:01and anyway, they turn to us.
09:03So, it is known, it is found out,
09:04that in every class,
09:06in every kind of class, there is a misconception.
09:09People are victims of misconceptions.
09:10And anyway, we try to explain it according to our own background,
09:13according to the teachings of the book of Sunnah,
09:16we try to explain it.
09:18And without a doubt, it is beneficial,
09:21many people understand it.
09:23So, this misconception should not be a victim of it.
09:26I will mention some examples,
09:27and after that, I will comment on some of them.
09:30For example, there is a very famous story,
09:33that a black cat crossed the road.
09:35So, many people say that a black cat crossed the road,
09:38now this work will not be done,
09:40so it does not work, it turns around.
09:42So, whether it is a black cat, or a white cat,
09:45or any other animal,
09:46if any animal crosses your path,
09:49there is no violation in your work,
09:51there is no obstacle.
09:52It is an animal, it does not even know
09:55that you have to pass through here,
09:56or what work you are going through.
09:58It is an animal, it does not know anything about the unseen.
10:00Whether it is a cat or any other animal,
10:02what does an animal know about the unseen?
10:04It does not know what is in your mind,
10:07or what work you are going through.
10:08It is an animal, it has to pass through anyway,
10:12if it has to pass, it has to pass through you.
10:14So, if a black cat crosses your path,
10:17or any other animal crosses your path,
10:20then your work has nothing to do with it,
10:23your fate has nothing to do with it,
10:27that it will bring a hurdle in your work,
10:29or it will bring a hurdle in your work.
10:31So, whether a black cat crosses your path,
10:33or any other animal crosses your path,
10:35it has passed, it is fine, you can go to your work,
10:36you will do your work,
10:38and the way of doing any work,
10:40if you do it in the right way,
10:42then without a doubt, your work will also be completed,
10:44there will be no kind of unfortunate or bad luck in it.
10:49If you have not done any other work,
10:51which is the cause of misfortune,
10:52then there is misfortune,
10:54but it has different aspects and different things,
10:57it has nothing to do with an animal.
11:00Misfortune or bad luck is related to disobedience to Allah.
11:06If you disobey Allah, there is misfortune,
11:08if you disobey Allah, there is bad luck.
11:11The bad luck of those things is in its place,
11:13otherwise, there is no bad luck in such things.
11:17Similarly, if a crow comes and sits on a mound,
11:20or if a crow has passed from the roof of the house,
11:25then you say that a guest will come,
11:27or a traveler will come back.
11:30How does the poor crow know that a traveler will come back
11:33or a guest will come?
11:35A crow is a bird and a creature of Allah,
11:38and it has nothing to do with guests or travelers,
11:42it just passed by.
11:43So, you take its passing casually,
11:45if it just came and passed by,
11:46it has nothing to do with a guest or a traveler.
11:50If a guest or traveler comes,
11:53you should not forcefully link it.
11:55A crow's passing by or passing through a mound,
12:00or passing by a roof of a house,
12:05it has nothing to do with a traveler or a guest.
12:08If a traveler has to come, he has to come,
12:10if not, he should not come, whether a crow comes or not.
12:12If a guest has to come, he has to come,
12:13or whether a crow has to pass by or not,
12:14whether a crow has to come and sit on a mound or not.
12:17It has nothing to do with that.
12:19Similarly, some people say that my eye is twitching, it means that there is going to be some problem or bad news.
12:28Your eye twitching has nothing to do with any problem or bad news.
12:34The medical reasons behind the twitching of the eye are the medical reasons.
12:41The eye twitching has nothing to do with any problem or bad news.
12:46The medical reasons behind the twitching of the eye are the medical reasons.
12:51The medical reasons behind the twitching of the eye have nothing to do with any problem or bad news.
12:56We should not pay attention to such things.
12:59We take a short break here.
13:01Before that, let's take a call and then take a break.
13:06Assalamu Alaikum
13:08Assalamu Alaikum
13:11Huzoor, I wanted to ask,
13:13In winters, we cover ourselves with a sheet.
13:16Should we cover ourselves with a sheet while praying?
13:19Or should we cover ourselves with a blanket?
13:22In winters?
13:24We cover ourselves with a sheet.
13:27Should we cover ourselves with a sheet or should we cover ourselves with a blanket?
13:30Okay, I will tell you.
13:32Huzoor, this is how it is.
13:36We will take a short break here.
13:38We hope that you will stay with us.
13:41Welcome back.
13:42Before taking a break, we were discussing that we should not fall prey to superstition.
13:48We should not have any doubts.
13:50This is mentioned in the Holy Quran.
13:53This is what Allah the Almighty has told us.
13:55This is what the Prophet of Allah has told us.
13:58We should have strong faith in this.
14:00Allah and His Messenger have told us
14:03that we should not fall prey to superstition.
14:07We should not have any doubts.
14:09We should not have any doubts.
14:11I was telling you about the last incident of the crow.
14:14The crow was sitting on the roof of the house.
14:18This has nothing to do with the guest.
14:22We should not have such thoughts.
14:25We should not say such things.
14:26We have a caller with us.
14:27Let's call him in.
14:28Assalamu Alaikum
14:32Assalamu Alaikum
14:34Wa Alaikum Assalam
14:36Wa Rahmatullah
14:38How are you?
14:39Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen
14:41I have a question.
14:43One person says that you should pray for me.
14:47The next person says that it is obligatory for you to pray for me.
14:53How can you say such a thing?
14:58Assalamu Alaikum
15:00Assalamu Alaikum
15:02Assalamu Alaikum
15:04Assalamu Alaikum
15:06The line has dropped.
15:08You can join again.
15:10I was saying that these things are related.
15:14The things that have been told us in the book of Sunnah,
15:17the things that we know about,
15:19that is fine.
15:20But the things that are not guided in the book of Sunnah,
15:23or which do not have any scientific proof,
15:26then such things should not be done by us.
15:29We should not do it on our own.
15:31We have been forbidden from Rajam Bil Ghaib.
15:33We have been forbidden from guessing.
15:35There should be no deception.
15:37So some things are related.
15:39There is a scientific reason behind them.
15:41There is a scientific reason.
15:43So it is fine if there is a scientific reason,
15:47a scientific fact,
15:49a proven fact.
15:50So it is fine.
15:51It can be stated.
15:52Or something is related to medicine,
15:55to medical,
15:56to disease.
15:57It has signs,
15:58it has symptoms,
15:59which are told in the book of Sunnah.
16:01So it is fine.
16:02These things are correct in their place.
16:04But the things that are not related,
16:06which do not have any scientific reason,
16:09nor do we know the logic behind it,
16:13nor is there any such thing in the book of Sunnah,
16:16then a person should assume by himself
16:19and start guessing about the things of the unseen.
16:22Rajam Bil Ghaib, as it is called in our language,
16:25is not invented.
16:26It is not permissible.
16:27We should avoid it.
16:29And then we see in the society
16:31that many people go to find out about their fate.
16:35Sometimes they go to a parrot seller.
16:38He is sitting with a parrot.
16:40He is putting the cards in front of him.
16:42The parrot is taking out the card and telling.
16:44They are finding out about their fate from it.
16:46Now the parrot is a speechless bird.
16:49What does it know about your fate?
16:52What does it know about your work?
16:56It does not know anything.
16:58If you train the parrot like this,
17:00according to that training,
17:01it picks up anything.
17:03Now you are putting a curtain on it.
17:06You have made a view on it,
17:08you have made a belief on it
17:09and started going to such people.
17:11So you should not go to such people.
17:13Their courage should not be shaken.
17:15You should not go to them
17:16and say, let's see what they say.
17:18Not even to see,
17:19such people get promoted.
17:21You should not look at such people.
17:22You should not shake their courage.
17:24Such thoughts,
17:25such bad thoughts,
17:26such misconceptions spread.
17:29We should not become a means
17:32to spread such misinformation.
17:34Now there is a caller with us,
17:36let's call him in.
17:38Wa Alaikum-o-Alaikum.
17:39Is everything okay?
17:40All praise belongs to Allah,
17:41the Lord of all the worlds.
17:42Please go ahead.
17:43I have only one question. The Holy Prophet has always led the prayer in Amama and Maghrib.
17:52Nowadays people lead the prayer without this. Is this against the Sunnah?
17:58I would like to request that we should not fall prey to superstition.
18:09Our faith should be strong.
18:12Those who say that the parrot is telling us what to do,
18:16are not aware of their own fate.
18:21The parrot is not aware of its own fate.
18:24It is not aware of its own fate.
18:26It does not know what to do and what to say.
18:29We should not fall prey to such superstitions.
18:32If there is any other superstition, we should try to explain it in a good way.
18:37Similarly, some people show their hands.
18:40Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
18:43Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
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20:01Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:02Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:03Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:04Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:05Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
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20:07Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
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20:09Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:10Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:11Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:12Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
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20:14Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:15Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:16Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:17Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:18Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:19Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:20Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:21Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:22Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:33Some people show their hands and ask about the lines on their hands.
20:46So that is why we should be afraid of these Ahadith and we should not do such things.
20:53We should not show our hands to anyone and find out about the state of our destiny.
20:58If someone does this, if he does it with faith,
21:02that what this person is saying is absolutely absurd,
21:07and this is a sure thing, a sure thing, a definite thing,
21:11and if a person believes in the absolute knowledge of the unseen,
21:15then this is kufr, this is called kufr by the imam.
21:18And if he does not believe in this, but just shows his hand out of love,
21:23and listens to his words with interest, and understands that these things are correct,
21:27then this is a sin, this is fisk.
21:29And if he is just showing it for fun, then this is makrooh.
21:33And if it is to show off, that I will show this and then I will tell you,
21:37there is nothing like this, you are telling wrong, then it is permissible.
21:40But this does not happen in general.
21:42There are very few people, Shahzad Nadir is one such person,
21:45who is showing off to humiliate someone, to show off.
21:48Generally, the people who show off, they do it with love,
21:51so this is not invented, we believe in it, we forbid it,
21:54and there are strict prohibitions on it in the hadith as well.
21:57A caller joins us here.
21:59Assalamu Alaikum.
22:00Walaikum Assalam.
22:02Yes, please go ahead.
22:03The question is, after Asr, it is said that one should not offer prayers or nafl,
22:07so what is your opinion on this?
22:09There is another caller, Assalamu Alaikum.
22:39Okay, and?
23:09So, one should not ask such things to ordinary people.
23:12Some people look at the movement of the stars and say,
23:15this is such and such star, so this will have this effect.
23:18On the basis of the stars, then it is a complete,
23:21nowadays it has become a trend,
23:23sometimes it is published in the newspapers,
23:25they are publishing in the newspapers,
23:27how will your week pass.
23:29It is published in the magazines,
23:31sometimes they are being programmed on the channels,
23:33they are telling, how will your week pass,
23:35by looking at your star, your star and the stars.
23:38All these things come under superstition.
23:40It has nothing to do with the reality.
23:42The Shariah forbids it.
23:44Such things should not be said.
23:46And Iqbal said,
23:47will the star give news of my destiny?
23:50It is in the vast sky itself.
23:53So, what news does the star have to give of destiny?
23:56So, it has nothing to do directly with destiny.
24:00So, one should not get involved in such things.
24:02One should not fall prey to such superstitions.
24:05Let's include the caller.
24:21We say it in common words,
24:24that this has happened due to superstition.
24:27Please turn off the volume of your TV set,
24:30so that the voice is not repeated again and again.
24:34Yes, please go ahead.
24:37Sir, your voice is being heard.
24:39Yes, please go ahead.
24:41I am saying that we say it in common words,
24:44that this has happened due to bad luck.
24:48Should this be said or not?
24:50Although, it is said that
24:51God makes the destiny.
24:53Should this be said or not?
24:55Okay, I will say it.
24:56People say this on TV as well.
24:58Okay, I will say it.
25:01Ladies and gentlemen,
25:02we would like to take a short break here.
25:04We hope that you will stay with us.
25:06Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back.
25:08Before taking a break,
25:09we are going to talk about superstition.
25:11Today, we are going to talk about superstitions.
25:14And we were saying that
25:15a believer should not be a victim of superstitions.
25:19So, we discussed a few things in this regard,
25:21which are common among people.
25:23We have also received some other queries.
25:27In this regard,
25:28some people have asked that
25:30is it okay to give a broom after Maghrib or at night?
25:33People think that
25:34this is a cause of poverty in livelihood
25:36or it leads to bad luck.
25:38There is no such thing.
25:40You can give a broom at night.
25:41There is no harm in it.
25:42You can give a broom after Maghrib as well.
25:44If you need to clean,
25:45you can do it.
25:46There is no harm in it
25:48and it has nothing to do with poverty in livelihood.
25:51Then there is a question that
25:53if you comb your hair at night,
25:56it leads to poverty and disease.
25:58This is a well-known fact.
25:59So, is it right or not?
26:00So, combing your hair at night
26:02has nothing to do with poverty in livelihood.
26:04You can comb your hair at night as well.
26:05Similarly, if you can comb your hair during the day,
26:07you can comb your hair at night as well.
26:09Whenever you need it,
26:10if your hair is scattered
26:11and you are combing your hair to fix it,
26:13you can comb your hair.
26:14There is no harm in it.
26:15This is a different thing.
26:16There is a difference between men and women.
26:18That difference should be maintained.
26:20It should not be like men and women
26:22who are busy combing their hair all the time.
26:25This is not the case for men.
26:27So, comb your hair only when you need it.
26:30You don't need it for no reason.
26:31You keep your hair long all the time
26:33and you keep combing your hair.
26:35Then you stand in front of the mirror.
26:37After some time,
26:38you stand in front of the mirror
26:39and look at the mirror.
26:40You put your hand in front of the mirror
26:42and fix your hair.
26:43I have seen people combing their hair again and again.
26:45Especially young blood,
26:47young boys.
26:49Sometimes I see
26:51that if there is a mirror in the mosque,
26:53sometimes they come
26:55and stand in front of the mirror
26:57for some time.
26:59They stand in front of the mirror
27:01and look at the mirror
27:03and fix their hair.
27:05Although their hair is fine,
27:07it is just a part of their hair.
27:09So, this is not good for boys or men.
27:11It is not good that you keep combing
27:13your hair all the time.
27:15This kind of decoration
27:17is related to women.
27:19Men should not do this.
27:21It is not necessary
27:23that you keep combing your hair
27:25all the time.
27:27You can comb your hair
27:29whenever you need to.
27:31It is not a problem.
27:33Another question was
27:35how to wash clothes
27:37on Tuesday or Friday.
27:39Some people think that
27:41it is not good.
27:43You can wash clothes on Tuesday or Friday.
27:45It is not a problem.
27:47Some people think that
27:49it is not a problem
27:51even if the mirror breaks.
27:53It is not a problem.
27:55You can wash your clothes
27:57on Tuesday or Friday.
27:59We will talk about this
28:01in the next episode.
28:03Now, we will come to the
28:05answers of the callers.
28:07A caller asked us
28:09a question.
28:11He asked
28:13what is the right way
28:15to offer Salat
28:17and what is the wrong way
28:19to offer Salat.
28:21He asked
28:23whether he should
28:25cover his head or
28:27cover his shoulders.
28:29What is the right way?
28:31The best way is
28:33to cover your head
28:35when you offer Salat.
28:37Cover your head
28:39when you offer Salat.
28:41This is the best way.
28:43This is Sunnah.
28:45If you are covering your head
28:47and shoulders,
28:49then you should not do this.
28:51If you do this,
28:53then it is not a sin.
28:55It is not illegal.
28:57You can offer Salat with this.
28:59There is a tradition
29:01that the jurists say
29:03that you should cover your head
29:05when you offer Salat.
29:07You should cover your head
29:09and not cover your shoulders.
29:11But if you cover your head,
29:13then it is not a sin.
29:15You should cover your head
29:17when you offer Salat.
29:19You should not cover your face
29:21when you offer Salat.
29:23You should not cover your face
29:25when you offer Salat.
29:27You should keep your face open.
29:29A brother asked
29:31if you should pray for yourself
29:33and not for others.
29:35The answer is
29:37that it is not a sin
29:39to pray for yourself
29:41and not for others.
29:43You should not say
29:45that it is a sin
29:47to pray for others
29:49and not for others.
29:51As Muslims,
29:53we should pray
29:55for the believers
29:57and Muslims.
29:59We should ask Allah for goodness
30:01because religion is the name
30:03of goodness.
30:05Religion is the name of goodness.
30:07It is the name of Allah
30:09and His Messenger.
30:11It is the name of goodness
30:13for all Muslims.
30:15It is the name of goodness
30:17for all Muslims.
30:19It is the name of goodness
30:21for all Muslims.
30:23It is the name of goodness
30:25for all Muslims.
30:27It is the name of goodness
30:29for all Muslims.
30:31It is the name of goodness
30:33for all Muslims.
30:35It is the name of goodness
30:37for all Muslims.
30:39It is the name of goodness
30:41for all Muslims.
30:43It is the name of goodness
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30:47It is the name of goodness
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30:51It is the name of goodness
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30:55It is the name of goodness
30:57for all Muslims.
30:59It is the name of goodness
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31:03It is the name of goodness
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31:07It is the name of goodness
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34:35It is the name of goodness
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34:43It is the name of goodness
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34:51It is the name of goodness
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34:55It is the name of goodness
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34:59It is the name of goodness
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35:03It is the name of goodness
35:05for all Muslims.
35:07It is the name of goodness
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35:11It is the name of goodness
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35:15It is the name of goodness
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35:19It is the name of goodness
35:21for all Muslims.
35:23It is the name of goodness
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35:27It is the name of goodness
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35:31It is the name of goodness
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35:35It is the name of goodness
35:37for all Muslims.
35:39It is the name of goodness
35:41for all Muslims.
35:43It is the name of goodness
35:45for all Muslims.
35:47A question was asked
35:49how to offer Nawafil after Asr?
35:51It is not allowed to offer
35:53Nafl after Asr.
35:55It is considered Makrooh.
35:57You cannot offer Nafl after Asr.
35:59Qaza can be offered after Asr.
36:01If you have delayed
36:03your Asr prayer,
36:05you can offer it
36:0720 minutes before Asr.
36:09It is prohibited to offer
36:11Sajda during that time.
36:13If you have not offered
36:15Nawafil before Asr,
36:17you can offer it.
36:19If you have not offered
36:21Nawafil before Asr,
36:23you cannot offer it.
36:25Then a question was asked
36:27how to offer Taraweeh
36:29in half an hour.
36:31It is usually done in one hour
36:33or more than one hour.
36:35It is usually done in one hour
36:37or more than one hour.
36:39It is usually done in one hour
36:41or more than one hour.
36:43It is usually done in one hour
36:45or more than one hour.
36:47It is usually done in one hour
36:49or more than one hour.
36:51It is usually done in one hour
36:53or more than one hour.
36:55It is usually done in one hour
36:57or more than one hour.
36:59It is usually done in one hour
37:01or more than one hour.
37:03It is usually done in one hour
37:05or more than one hour.
37:07It is usually done in one hour
37:09or more than one hour.
37:11Those who do Ibadah,
37:13they should give
37:15more time for Ibadah.
37:17Those who do Ibadah,
37:19they should give
37:21more time for Ibadah.
37:23They should choose
37:25an imam who recites
37:27the Holy Quran correctly
37:29so that your Salah is not wasted.
37:31You should be conscious
37:33about Ibadah.
37:35Then a brother asked
37:37how to say
37:39how to say
37:41how to say
37:43how to say
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37:47how to say
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