IVF Clinic Staff Surprise Patients With Baby News | Happily TV

  • 2 years ago
Staff at a fertility clinic in California have gone viral, after they shared a video of themselves celebrating as they broke the news of a successful IVF pregnancy to one happy couple. In the heartwarming footage, which has received nearly five million views online, Dr. Lawrence Werlin of Coastal Fertility Medical Center, in Irvine, California, can be seen picking up the phone to call the couple, Nima and Carlie. Having spoken to Nima first, Dr. Werlin then asked, "Where's your girl?", before stating enthusiastically, "Get her on the line, buddy!" After Carlie confirmed she was on the other end of the line, Dr. Werlin then held up the handset to the room and gave the surrounding staff members a silent three-second countdown using his fingers. Then, as the countdown finished, everyone in the room yelled: "YOU'RE PREGNANT!" Hoots and hollers followed from those in the room, with one member of staff capturing the moment on video. The center shared the footage of the moment on TikTok on March 31 – and to date it has received nearly five million views.