• 3 years ago
Ingredients (for one 15 cm diameter mold)

-Parter Biscuit
100g light brown flour
5g pure cocoa powder
3 egg yolks
30 g granulated sugar
3 egg whites
70g granulated sugar
Powdered sugar, to taste

150g mascarpone
20g granulated sugar
2 egg yolks
100 g fresh cream
1 egg white
10g granulated sugar

Coffee syrup (I used the provided syrup)
Whipped cream
Pure cocoa powder

1. Make the biscuit dough.
Sift together the flour and cocoa powder.
Preheat the oven to 180°C.
2. Separate the eggs into yolks and whites and chill the whites.
Add the granulated sugar to the egg yolks and whisk until white.
Drain the egg whites and add the granulated sugar a little at a time to make a stiff meringue. Add the granulated sugar a little at a time to make a stiff meringue, but not so stiff that it falls over when shaken with a whisk. 4.
Pour the meringue mixture into the egg yolks in three portions and gently fold to combine without crushing the foam.
Fold in the flour and cocoa.
On a sheet of parchment paper, roll out one 15 cm diameter circle and two 14 cm diameter circles.
Roll out the dough around the circles to a length of 14 cm and a width of 28 cm.
Sprinkle with powdered sugar twice and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 12 minutes.

7. Beat together the mascarpone, granulated sugar, and egg yolks, then fold in the whipped cream (no sugar added).
8. Add the granulated sugar to one egg white and make a thick meringue.

9. Cut the biscuit to fit the mold (it must be just large enough or it will overflow) and coat the bottom of the biscuit with coffee.
Pour half of the mascarpone mixture into the biscuit and repeat step (9). Let the dough sit in the refrigerator overnight to blend. 10.
Add whipped cream to taste and sprinkle with pure cocoa powder.
