The day President Macron met Picasso's daughter

  • 7 years ago
The Picasso museum in Paris is holding a special show illustrating just one year in the great artist’s life, 1932, the year he began dipping into erotic art. For the opening it had some very special guests, the Macrons.

One of the trademarks of France’s young president has been tight control over his public image, but meeting up with Picasso’s daughter, Maya, accompanied by his wife, that control seemed to slip a little, and it nearly went all Pete Tong.

“Hello, young man, I could be your grandmother. Hello my president, how are you ? You’ve got a reason to be late?” said Maya.

“Yes, I was in my office,” grinned Macron, going along with the joke.

“Really? I see you brought your sweetheart,” said Maya, turning to Brigitte Macron. “Hello, dear. So Brigitte, you don’t want to change your name ?

“Ahah, never,” replied Brigitte, laughing. Macron then attempted to change the direction of the conversation by extending his hand to Maya’s daughter in greeting. Maya, of course, insisted on a proper introduction.

“So, yes, my daughter, the president, the president, his sweetheart… and the minister!” she said, gesturing at each in turn as a flurry of handshakes broke out.

The rest of the visit appeared to go according to plan, but for once Macron’s thunder was well and truly stolen by Maya, who bossed the show as she made her way through the galleries.
