Heavy rain in Japan forces thousands from their homes

  • 7 years ago
At least ten people are missing and more than 400,000 people have been forced from their homes after record rains battered south west Japan.

1 dead, 20,000 evacuated as tropical storm Nanmadol batters western Japan https://t.co/hHgBP8Gf1R pic.twitter.com/j2HUV1R12l— China Xinhua News (@XHNews) July 6, 2017

In Fukuoka Prefecture on the island of Kyushu , more than double the amount of rain normal for July fell in just nine hours.

Some 7,500 rescuers including police firefighters and soldiers have been mobilised to help with evacuations.

JAPAN: Severe Tropical Storm Nanmadol made landfall across SW Japan on Tuesday and is forecast to move across the S coast next 24hrs. Stav D pic.twitter.com/mP0p1bjVR0— BBC Weather (@bbcweather) July 4, 2017

The rain comes on the heals of a storm system that caused severe flooding across southern China that killed 56 people.
