Te mbijetuarit ende te traumatizuar ne spital - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

  • 9 years ago
Dy marinarët turq qe i mbijetuan incidentit tragjik ne detin Adriatik, ndodhen ne spitalin e Durrësit te traumatizuar. Kapiteni Ahmet Bau, 38 vjeç dhe zv/kapiteni Ahmet Sajci, 54 vjeç, janë nxjerre ne breg nga anija patrulluese 1.
Ata rrëfejnë momentet e tmerrshme kur panë shokët tu mbyteshin para syve. Kur ndodhi incidenti tragjik, kapiteni tregon se pjesa me e madhe e ekuipazhit ndodhej ne gjumë. Te mbijetuarit janë shtruar ne spital me hipotermi, por pas ndihmës mjekësore ne spital, nuk paraqesin probleme për jetën, përveç gjendjes se shokut qe kane kaluar. Anija turke "Reina 1", me 10 marinarë turq dhe me flamur maltez, lundronte drejt Malit te Zi. Mjeti i ngarkuar me grurë ishte nisur nga portet ruse dhe parashikohej te mbërrinte këtë te enjte ne destinacion.

Two Turkish sailors who survived the tragic incident in the Adriatic Sea, located in Durres hospital traumatized. Captain BAU Ahmet, 38, and vice / captain Sajci Ahmet, 54, were put on shore from a patrol boat.
They tell the horrible moments when you saw your friends drowned before the eyes. When the tragic incident occurred, the captain shows that most of the crew was asleep. The survivors were hospitalized with hypothermia, but the hospital after medical assistance, do not pose problems for life, except the state of shock that went through. Turkish ship "Reina 1", with 10 Turkish sailors and a Maltese flag, sailing towards Montenegro. Vehicle loaded with wheat was launched from Russian ports, and predicted to arrive this Thursday at the destination.
