Clark Kent quits his day job

  • 12 years ago
Clark Kent has left the building.

Superman's alter ego has quit his job at the Daily Planet after voicing his disdain for the salacious direction the newspaper is headed.

Social Marketing and Events Director at Midtown Comics, Thor Parker, says he was basically fed up.

SOUNDBITE: Thor Parker, Midtown Comics Social Marketing and Events Director, saying (English):

"It's more about selling ads and getting entertainment and just trying to trick people into reading the paper when he really wants there to be some real journalism and some real reporting done."

While the news is somewhat shocking to some, one reader welcomes the change.

SOUNDBITE: Corey Hernandez, comic book fan, saying (English):

"It's not a bad idea, I mean he's been working there for how long now? New things are good for the soul."

Parker says while the story line might be surprising, it is not far-fetched.

SOUNDBITE: Thor Parker, Midtown Comics Social Marketing and Events Director, saying (English):

"Comics do a great job of reflecting what's going on in our world and right now the news industry is going through a lot of changes and print in general and comics are a part of that."

What's next for Kent is unknown, but he's going to have to pay his bills somehow.

SOUNDBITE: Thor Parker, Midtown Comics Social Marketing and Events Director, saying (English):

"Even though he's Superman and that's a full time job, for some reason needs to have a regular day job too."

The new issue hit newsstands on October 24.
