Romney criticizes Obama handling of Libya attack

  • 12 years ago
It's a situation that typically unites politicians of all stripes but on Wednesday --- criticism that the White House took too long to respond to the killing of four American diplomats.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

SOUNDBITE:Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney saying:

"It's never too early for the United States government to condemn attacks on Americans and defend our values."

He called the Obama administration's handling of the situation "disgraceful." Now he's fielding questions that he spoke too soon


"Governor, some people have said that you jumped the gun a little in putting that statement out last night and that you should have waited until more details were available?"


"I don't think we ever hesitate when we see something which is a violation of our principles. We express immediately when we feel that the President's administration have done something that is inconsistent with the principles of America. Simply put, having an embassy which has been breached and has protesters on its grounds, having violated the sovereignty of the United States having that embassy reiterate a statement effectively apologizing for the right of free speech is not the right course for an administration."

His comments, came within minutes of the president (SOUND POP of Obama) "I condemn these attacks"

They also came as a new Reuters poll showed Obama with a slight lead, 48 percent to Romney's 45 percent with just weeks to go before election day.
