Syrian soldier captured from burning tank

  • 12 years ago
Amateur video out of Syria appears to show a tank in flames in the city of Homs.

The video, which could not be independently verified by Reuters appears to show an ambush of a Syrian army tank.

A soldier is captured.

The assault comes after several countries expelled their Syrian ambassadors in response to a massacre in Houla, which killed 108 people including many children.

International envoy Kofi Annan says Syria is at a quote 'tipping point'. He urged President Bashar al-Assad to halt the killing that the West blames squarely on his troops.

In more than a year of bloodshed the United Nations says government forces have killed more than 9,000 civilians. The Syrian government says thousands of its security forces have been killed by insurgents.

Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters.
