LIVE - Why Do Negative Things Happen? Or Do They? Disinfo

  • 13 years ago
2011-01-20 1st LIVE journal, Mayan day 6 Light or Lord ♥ TRANSCRIPT: Intro: Just a quick video to share what’s on my heart. Something happened for me tonight, where I found myself crying - not from joy, which is more ‘normal’ for me, either. Why do bad things happen to us? Why shouldn’t everything be universally wonderful? Why do hurtful, dumb things have to happen, anyway? What’s with that? How can that be divine, lol. Well, the way I’m seeing it is that - well, let me share the little story, first. That’ll help it make more sense. The way I see things, the Fed, i.e., the Federal Reserve Bank, which is really just a private corporation, has got to go down. The way we’ve handled our money in the country isn’t sensible. Besides, no fiat currency ever lasts for long. I’m surprised we didn’t know history well enough to realize this, and stop it from ever happening. Oh well - typically short-sighted in politics we are. So, anyway, that’s how I see it. Things all have consequences, and this one just seems natural to me. So... I was alert for ways to take a little of what I have and put it someplace more useful than in an FDIC insured bank. For whatever reasons, I came on the idea that investing in (buying) Iraqi dinars could be a good thing. Invest in the country - help them come back from the mess - and perhaps be blessed in the doing, at some point. So I did. Nothing new or exciting there. We all do what we can to make good decisions in our walk through life. It comes with no guarantees - well, except change, perhaps - so we do the best we can. Anyway, tonight I read a post in a fairly trusted place that opined that the whole thing was just a scam. It brought me down... Distributed by Tubemogul.
