LIVE - I Feel Pretty :) Love & Respect Self

  • 13 years ago
2011-01-17 1st LIVE Journal, Mayan day 2 Vulture or Wisdom ♥ "TRANSCRIPT" Intro: Things continue changing. I don’t recall feeling like this since I don’t know when. I feel pretty, tonight. Very strange! With a Capricorn sun - well, that’s not a sensitive placement. Not even. Yet, I also was born under the full moon, so that tells you I have a Cancer Moon placement. Now that is about as touchy feely as it gets. A good placement, too. So, in childhood such an opposition between sun and moon isn’t so easy to handle. All kids seem hard headed, quite sure they know everything. This kind of astrology will put a damper on that. Bucking up against it isn’t too useful, either. Oh, and just for fun, my natal Uranus is quite conjunct that Moon. What a delight! Not until you’re older, though. Until then - well, let’s just say early life was rather challenging. Finally, at a certain point, Life beats us up enough that we begin to surrender - to grow up. Yet now, in older life, I’m happiest of all. I’ve finally come to the full realization that I know nothing - nothing at all. “I don’t know” are three of the finest little words in the language to me. All I know is thoughts and beliefs, you see - and they don’t count. Why not? They aren’t True. Simple as that. Nothing we can know with the mind can possibly be True. Do be in heart to hear this, okay? Mind has got no chance at all to grok* it, to get it in any way. Not only that, it frightens mind, which wants very much to be needed, to be ‘Smart.’ Poor mind. Oh well, I’m loving my later years for the laid back way we find ourselves being. No more needing to prove anything, we finally come to terms with the fact that the only one we must please is our very own self. What an illumination that one is! ... Distributed by Tubemogul.
