Art et designTranscription
00:00♪ Musique joyeuse à l'accordéon ♪
00:10♪ Musique joyeuse à l'accordéon ♪
00:36♪ Musique joyeuse à l'accordéon ♪
00:42♪ Musique joyeuse à l'accordéon ♪
00:52Come on down Davy! I'm in the basement!
00:55♪ Musique joyeuse à l'accordéon ♪
01:03Hi Mike!
01:04Hi Davy!
01:05Hi Davy!
01:09I'm gonna teach him to do tricks!
01:11Gee! Isn't it hard?
01:13Dad says I'll need to be patient and to keep trying.
01:16Oh bet!
01:17Hey, what's that?
01:19I'm going to enter the coaster derby next month!
01:22Wow! Won't that be hard?
01:25Nah! Not if you're careful and watch what you're doing!
01:28Why don't you enter?
01:30You mean I could?
01:32How much time do we have?
01:34Three weeks!
01:35Wow! I'll have to get started right away!
01:38What are you going to call your bird?
01:40I don't know yet!
01:45Goliath, bring me some nails!
01:53Davy! My nose isn't made for this kind of job!
01:58Oh you forgot Goliath! Never mind!
02:02I think I'll call you Jake, okay?
02:05You want some more lessons today Jake?
02:09Okay Jake!
02:13I hope you know what you're doing Davy!
02:32There you go! Get it!
02:41Now Davy! Davy!
02:45Here are the nails!
02:47Now watch me Jake!
02:51See? Like this!
02:56Then you carry the nail over here!
03:03Okay Jake! Let you try it again today!
03:11Good Jake!
03:13Now, over here!
03:19That's alright Jake! Let's try again!
03:27Hot dog!
03:29Davy! Please don't say that!
03:32Good boy Jake!
03:34Here's a nut to eat!
03:36Now you get me some more nails, will you?
03:44Goliath, what's the matter?
03:46I can't help build your racer!
03:49It's just as you said! Your nose isn't made for picking up nails!
03:54I know! I'll need those wheels I got in the garage! Can you go get them for me?
03:58Sure Davy! Count on me!
04:14Davy! Don't you have enough nails?
04:19I've got to go over to Mike's and ask him how to put on the wheels!
04:27Hot dog!
04:29Davy! Please don't say that!
04:35That looks terrific Mike!
04:37Hey! Does he sit on your shoulder all the time?
04:40He's just starting to! I taught him how to bring me nails!
04:43He carries them from a pile on the pavement to where I'm working!
04:46Saves me steps!
04:47Wish I had a bird like that!
04:50Wish my racer looked like that!
04:56How do you put the wheels on and keep them on?
04:58You put them on axles!
05:00I don't know how to do that!
05:02I'll show you!
05:04How do you put the wheels on and keep them on?
05:07You put them on axles!
05:09I know that! But how do you keep them on?
05:11Cotter pins!
05:12Cotter pins? What are cotter pins?
05:15Like this!
05:17Well, how do they keep the wheels on?
05:20Well, first you slip the wheel on the axle like this!
05:24And then slip the cotter pin in the hole at the end of the axle!
05:28And then spread the ends of the pin with the pliers like this!
05:36Sally, did you see Jake?
05:38Who's Jake, baby?
05:39My toucan!
05:41Oh, there you are!
05:44Hey, we have enough!
05:48Come on, you two! Let's get to work on this racer before we get buried in nails!
05:55Goliath, this steering wheel doesn't turn right!
05:59Maybe Mike could help you!
06:01I can't ask him anymore!
06:03Maybe if you try again!
06:06I have tried again, Goliath!
06:08I'm not very patient, I guess!
06:10You're patient with Jake and me!
06:13Well, yes, but that's different!
06:15Well, here goes! Once more!
06:26Where are those cotter pins?
06:28No, Jake, this is a nail!
06:30I need a cotter pin!
06:35What, Goliath?
06:37Let it down, Goliath! I can't understand you!
06:40You're sitting on the cotter pins!
06:44Jake, you're too good a nail-getter!
06:46Now I'll have to teach you what a cotter pin is!
06:49Watch! See? It falls into place and keeps the wheel on!
06:52I hope it's fast enough to win!
06:55Come on, let's show Dad!
06:57Dad, Mother, want to see the racer? It's finished!
07:01Oh, Davy, can I ride in it?
07:03I'm proud of you, Davy!
07:05That's a mighty nice looking car!
07:08Mother, it's a racer! Davy's going to win the big race tomorrow!
07:23Competing in the next heat are lane one, Jim Daugherty,
07:28lane two, Thomas Gilbert,
07:31lane three, Henry Wadsworth.
07:39Aren't you going to race, Davy?
07:41Sure, Goliath, I have to wait my turn.
07:43There are several heats. I'll race in the next heat.
07:46Heat? What's a heat, Davy?
07:50Well, we can't all race at once,
07:53so we take turns in threes.
07:55Each turn is a heat.
07:57If I win the last heat, I'll win the prize.
08:00What do you mean, if? Don't you mean when you win?
08:04I hope so.
08:06Now, ladies and gentlemen, hold your seats,
08:08because the time is getting close,
08:10when now the race is about to begin, and they're off!
08:15Jim, it's my turn next. You better get off now.
08:21Jim Daugherty is first, Henry Wadsworth is second,
08:25and Thomas Gilbert is third.
08:27Davy's next, Mother.
08:29Racing in the second heat, lane one, Ricky Lockhart,
08:35lane two, Paul Rothbailer,
08:38and lane three, Davy Hanson.
08:42Jake, no.
08:45No, Jake, you can't do that.
08:49No, Jake, you can't go along. Now go back.
08:52Oh, look at the bird on his helmet!
09:07Oh, I do hope Davy wins.
09:09Come on, Davy! Come on!
09:18Come on, Davy!
09:23He did it, Goliath! First place, Davy Hanson!
09:27You won! Davy won!
09:29No, Davy still has to race in the final heat before he can win the trophy.
09:33Davy, do it again.
09:36Hi, Davy!
09:37And in lane three, Michael Jones.
09:40Ladies and gentlemen, this is the final race for the prize.
09:45Do your best, Davy.
09:50Come on, Davy!
09:53Keep your head down, Davy!
09:56What's the matter, Goliath?
10:15Le gagnant est Michael Jones!
10:24Tu vas bien, Davy?
10:46Pourquoi n'ai-je pas pu le gagner?
10:51Tu aurais pu le gagner, Davy, si tu avais connu suffisamment pour tourner les bords du carton.
10:55Je ne savais même pas ce que c'était.
10:58Je ne suis pas un mécanicien.
11:01Papa, pourquoi Dieu ne m'a pas fait comme Mike?
11:04Eh bien, Davy, je suppose que Dieu ne t'a pas fait comme Mike,
11:08pour la même raison qu'il ne t'a pas fait comme Mike.
11:10Tu veux dire qu'il a voulu que nous soyons tous différents?
11:13Pouvez-vous imaginer comment le monde serait si nous avions tous les mêmes compétences?
11:20Tout le monde est un catcheur.
11:22Nous avons besoin d'un catcheur.
11:24Tout le monde est un buteur.
11:26Nous avons besoin d'un buteur.
11:28Tout le monde est un tireur.
11:30Nous avons besoin d'un buteur.
11:33Tout le monde ressemble à Davy, mais je veux mon Davy.
11:43Oui, il est là.
11:44Un instant, je vais lui appeler, Mike.
11:46Davy, c'est pour toi.
11:48Merci, maman.
11:55Oui, c'est moi.
11:56C'est toi?
11:57Oui, c'est moi.
11:58C'est toi?
11:59Oui, c'est moi.
12:01Davy, c'est Mike.
12:03Maman m'a donné un bouclier pour gagner la course, mais je ne sais pas comment l'apprendre.
12:08Pouvez-vous m'aider?
12:09Bien sûr, je serai là-bas, Mike.
12:12Maman, je vais voir Mike.
12:14Il m'a besoin.
12:16Il m'a besoin.
12:19Je suis contente que Dieu ait fait que nous soyons différents.
12:23Allez, Jake.
12:30Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada