• 6 months ago
00:00What do you think he does to him in the long haul?
00:07Like I would have been on like an entire bottle of scotch within 30 minutes after I left that
00:12parking lot.
00:15He's interesting in the sense, Scott, that, you know, a lot of golfers we see, they struggle
00:20for a long time to win a major and then they'll start to win a couple.
00:24We'll see if it happens for Xander Shoffley after, but as far as the trolls and Rory's
00:29almost going backwards in a sense, right now it's getting harder for him to win.
00:35But as you said, we live in a troll era right now.
00:37Rory's one of the best golfers ever and he's going to get, he's going to get another major.
00:43I wouldn't bet against him as you just talked about at the open.
00:45Actually, I think that's a good spot for him.
00:47Look at Xander Shoffley, dude.
00:49He was knocking on the door.
00:50He was top seven all the time.
00:52Top five, top three, top two all the time.
00:55Look at Bryson, right?
00:57Bryson, you know, goes to live, comes back.
01:00He was second.
01:01He was six.
01:02He was knocking on the door once again.
01:04I think Rory will break through.
01:06That's a heartbreak.
01:07You're right there.
01:08I think Rory, as you get older, Scott, you start to overthink things.
01:11I've heard golfers talk about that.
01:13Say, you know, it's better when you're young.
01:15You kind of don't really think too much when you're out there.
01:18When you get older, you start to, you overthink things.
01:20I think Rory just overthought things a little bit, but I do think he's got another one.
01:27I think it's like 0-37 right now, Scott.
01:29It's been a hell of a run right now, right?
01:31I think he's going to get one at some point, maybe two, but at least one more major for
01:36Rory before he's done.
01:37And as far as Bryson's concerned, it goes to show how who you are and how you are perceived
01:45can change, Scott, over a couple of years.
01:48This guy used to be one of the most disliked guys on the tour.
01:51Now he's arguably the most popular guy, and he's going to live, right?
01:54People love him.
01:55Played up to Payne Stewart stuff as well, like, you know what I mean?
01:58It's amazing how the things have changed.
02:00And he had Payne in his bag, and he had a hat, and like, dresses like him.
02:04He wants to be like him.
02:06But it wasn't fake.
02:07Going back to college, like, he's looked up to Payne, and he's copied him.
02:10Even said, you know, I wore Kangols and sleeveless stuff because of him, right?
02:14So it was actually pretty genuine with Bryson, and I'm happy for him.
02:18Hell of a win for him.
