• last year
Hannah Dodd steps into the shoes of Francesca Bridgerton for season three, and she's been telling Melissa Nathoo all about it, along with Claudia Jessie and Jessica Madsen revealing their tips on dating, which they picked up from the show. Report by Nathoom. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn
00:00 It's so lovely to see you all. This show, it just keeps getting better.
00:05 It's so good, what I've seen so far.
00:08 Hannah joining. How's it been?
00:11 I feel they're going to be very welcoming anyway, but you're joining a massive, massive show.
00:15 Yeah, it's a little bit scary.
00:18 But yeah, they have been so welcoming, and I just can't imagine not knowing any of them now.
00:22 It's the weirdest idea that I could have just watched you instead of knowing you.
00:28 Do you still get the same excitement stepping onto set three seasons in?
00:32 Absolutely, yeah. I'm nervous, I still get nervous.
00:35 I get nervous before my takes. I don't think I'll ever go there.
00:39 It's good though, it gives you that energy to be like, right, we're on.
00:43 I know very much this season is focused on Penelope and Colin, and bless her, it's just funny how flustered she gets.
00:52 It's one of my favourite things, it's what makes it so endearing.
00:54 How easily flustered do you guys get in situations like that?
00:59 Oh, like flirty situations?
01:00 Yeah.
01:01 I'm a blusher.
01:02 Are you?
01:03 Bright red.
01:04 You can tell. I can't escape it.
01:06 Straight away.
01:07 No eye contact.
01:09 Yeah.
01:10 I love how Claudia's giving this a lot of thought.
01:12 You're a deep in thought now.
01:14 I'm trying to turn you back to when I met my fellow, and how much of a weirdo I must have been around him.
01:20 I think I would have had some sort of like, do you know what I mean?
01:24 But I don't, I feel like he, we really, I don't know, I try and make him laugh, I think that's where I go in.
01:29 Yeah, I don't have that.
01:31 I'm just, I'm so embarrassed, I'm just like, bright red, and then I can't speak, and I feel like I'm like that.
01:38 It's hard, it's difficult, isn't it?
01:40 We'll send you in for us.
01:42 You're about to meet some amazing girls.
01:44 What I am coming here for, which I feel I do in most of my interviews, is tips on how to meet a suitor,
01:50 and if Bridgerton's anything to go by, like, this is the one where you learn.
01:54 So what have you girls learned about meeting a suitor?
01:57 Like, what advice can you give me?
02:00 Well, Gillian's not worked for President, so I'll sit this one out.
02:06 What I learned about it, that we don't dance enough.
02:10 Yeah.
02:11 We don't have, like, a choreographed dance, which might be where the problem is.
02:16 Can you imagine if we just met someone like that?
02:19 [laughter]
02:24 But they do, because that's not what we're doing.
02:26 After that class, you have your dance class.
02:28 That's weird, isn't it?
02:30 That's not what I've learned.
02:32 I quite like the idea that, and Nicholas said this as well, that it's quite nice the idea that just all of them come over the next day and bring you presents.
02:38 Oh, yeah.
02:39 Right.
02:40 And if it's a dog, you'll be like, "Yeah, maybe."
02:42 Thank you.
02:43 Maybe.
02:44 Maybe.
02:45 Next.
02:46 I don't know if these are any things I've learned.
02:48 [laughter]
02:49 I think what the show does so well is to show you how to be yourself.
02:56 And I think we see that a lot with Penelope this season.
02:59 She tries her hardest, and then when actually she just goes, "Do you know what? I don't love grass," and all these sorts of things, it's like, this is me, and I like the indoors.
03:07 And that is received like, "Thank you for being a human being."
03:11 Very good.
03:12 That's really good.
03:13 That's information you can use.
03:14 And that's in every season, right?
03:16 You see that, you know.
03:17 Be yourself.
03:18 Yeah.
03:19 You can edit all of the other stuff out.
03:20 No.
03:21 No, because I want someone to bring me a puppy the next day.
03:24 I don't know how we need to help you to find a prospect.
03:27 I don't know how we need to help you.
03:28 You'd also have a million puppies as well, because everybody would be bringing you a puppy.
03:32 And I would live very happily.
03:34 Then you wouldn't need a suitor.
03:36 I don't want to be a cat lady, but I'd happily be a dog lady.
03:40 I'm with you on that one.
03:41 Listen, I know this season, I'll bring you back to the show, I know that this is split into two parts.
03:48 So we've not got that long to wait now until the first part, but what is going to keep people waiting around that whole month, I think it is, between the second, like, tease me, what's coming up?
04:01 Because even I don't know.
04:02 Do we?
04:03 No, we don't know.
04:04 We, remember, it's the friends to lovers story this year.
04:08 I've said this this morning.
04:10 Friends.
04:11 No, it's the first time we've done a year in a quarter.
04:12 To lovers.
04:13 So, the second part.
04:17 Steamy?
04:18 Well, it could be.
04:21 I'm just saying it's a friends to lovers story.
04:25 I'm glad we drilled that in.
04:27 So I think that's what people are coming back for.
04:30 We love romance.
04:31 I think that's what keeps people coming back to season after season with Bridgerton in general.
04:35 It's like, we love romance, don't we?
04:36 We love love.
04:37 We haven't got to see anything for Ella Wick.
04:39 Like, does she ever want to get married, find someone?
04:43 I don't know.
04:44 I won't speak on behalf of Ella Wick.
04:47 She's her own woman.
04:49 I think what was nice about season two is that we saw that it was a possibility.
04:54 We saw that she had this weird spark thing I have with a human being.
04:59 Because I thought about this person when I was reading books.
05:01 And I was like, what's that?
05:03 Why is this happening?
05:04 So it's nice that we can see that there is a possibility there for Eloise.
05:08 But I think this season in particular, she's very much on a mission to find out what she wants and who she is.
05:14 Without her best mate.
05:15 Oh.
05:16 Except for her.
05:19 Of course.
05:20 Of course.
05:21 You remain my favourites.
05:23 Thank you so much for being so wonderful.
05:25 Thank you so much.
