At a House Oversight Committee hearing last week, Rep. Pat Fallon (R-TX) spoke about the Democrat's approach to an Oversight hearing.
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00:00 Thank you. You know, I woke up this morning and I was reviewing my notes,
00:03 and how naive am I that I thought that this hearing could actually be bipartisan
00:08 when we're talking about threats that the Chinese Communist Party presents to the United States of America?
00:16 Wow! Well, I don't care if you're a Democrat or a Republican.
00:19 We live in this country, and this country is threatened by the Chinese Communist Party.
00:24 So no doubt there are a great many threats. There's a multitude facing our country.
00:30 It's our job in Congress to determine the greatest threats to our United States national security
00:35 and our future prosperity, and then to address them. We have to prioritize them.
00:40 What are the most dire threats, and then let's work to either eliminate them or mitigate them to a significant degree.
00:47 In my humble opinion, it's rather obvious what the greatest threats are.
00:51 One, it's our deficit spending and our accumulated debt, and two, it's the Chinese Communist Party.
00:57 But this is not a hearing, Mr. Chairman, on the deficit or the debt. It is not a hearing on Russia.
01:04 It's a hearing on the Chinese Communist Party.
01:08 I'm not here to talk about Joe Biden today. I'm here to talk about the Chinese Communist Party.
01:12 And it's sad when you hear these buzzwords from the ranking member and other Democrats.
01:18 They say Russia, Ukraine, Nazis, MAGA, collusion, Russian hoax.
01:23 When the Mueller investigation found that there was no collusion, it truly was a Russian hoax.
01:30 Reality proves quite the opposite.
01:33 Professor Schneider, what new territory of another nation state did Vladimir Putin violate in 2008?
01:45 Georgia.
01:45 And who was president in 2008?
01:48 President of the Russian Federation.
01:50 Of the United States of America.
01:51 Was Vladimir Putin.
01:52 Of the United States of America.
01:53 Obama.
01:54 In 2014, what new territory of another nation state did Vladimir Putin violate?
02:01 Ukraine.
02:02 Ukraine. Crimea and eastern Ukraine, correct?
02:05 That is correct.
02:06 And who was the president then?
02:08 Obama.
02:09 Okay. In 2022, what new territory of another nation state did Vladimir Putin violate?
02:17 Ukraine.
02:18 Bull-scale invasion trying to grab Kiev, correct?
02:20 Correct.
02:21 And who was president then?
02:22 Biden.
02:24 Joe Biden. From January of 2017 to January of 2021,
02:29 what new territory of another nation state did Vladimir Putin violate?
02:32 There were no military invasions.
02:36 There were no new territories violated by Vladimir Putin. You are correct.
02:40 Yes.
02:40 Who was president then?
02:43 Of the Russian Federation.
02:46 United States of America from January 2017 to January 2021.
02:49 You're repeating the question. It was Joe Biden.
02:51 No. From 2017 to 2021, who was the president of the United States?
02:54 Oh, sorry. Donald Trump.
02:56 Donald J. Trump. So, reality shows us that there was only one U.S. president in the last three,
03:04 or four rather, that could either control or contain Vladimir Putin. And that was Donald J.
03:12 Trump. So that could be possibly an inconvenient truth to our friends across the aisle. But
03:18 nonetheless, it is the truth.
03:20 Who... General Spalding, who has a greater GDP, China or Russia?
03:31 China.
03:34 China. In fact, it's about almost 10 times as much. And Colonel Nushin,
03:39 who has a greater population, China or Russia?
03:41 China.
03:43 China. By about 10 times. So who's the greater threat? It's rather obvious. It's
03:48 China. Whereas President Trump would say China.
03:50 General Spalding, has the United States intelligence
03:56 community accurately identified the threat that the CCP presents?
04:01 No. And I believe that's a direct result of the influence within Washington, D.C.,
04:06 particularly on think tanks.
04:07 In what ways has the intelligence community failed to address the CCP threat?
04:12 When I started, you know, working with the Defense Intelligence Agency, they were primarily
04:18 focused on the military threat coming from China. They weren't focused on the economic threat,
04:23 the financial threat, the academic threat, the political threat that we're talking about here.
04:29 So, for instance, in just a few years ago, before Joe Biden took office,
04:33 there were about less than 500 Chinese nationals that were apprehended on the southern border.
04:38 And then the last year we have data for, last fiscal year, it was nearing 50,000.
04:43 You find that alarming?
04:44 Terrifying.
04:46 Do you think every one of those folks is just looking for a better life? Or are there some
04:49 sleeper agents looking to do us harm if we ever got into a hot war with China?
04:53 I think both of those situations exist. But I also think that the Chinese Communist Party
04:58 is opportunistic and it has conditioned the Chinese citizens to believe that they must do
05:05 what the Chinese Communist Party asks. So every Chinese citizen that comes into the country,
05:10 by law, is a Chinese agent of the Chinese Communist Party.
05:14 And even if 99% of them are just looking for a better life, it's terrifying to know that there
05:19 are 500 new potential threats in this country in an open society.
05:24 Well, Li Yuan, who's a journalist for The New York Times, talks about the deprogramming she
05:29 had, she herself had to go through when she came to the United States and started recognizing the
05:35 signs of having been programmed. And I think if you're going to have those types of people come
05:40 into the country, then they have to go through some similar deprogramming process. Because
05:45 if you live in China, like I have, you see that the entire population has been
05:49 programmed through propaganda over the last decade, certainly since Tiananmen Square.
05:54 Mr. Chairman, thank you. I yield back.