Something from Mahatma Gandhi's life || AP Neem Candies

  • 7 months ago
Full video: How to know what one must do? || Acharya Prashant (2019)

Video Information: Vishranti Shivir, 06.10.2019, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India


~ How to know what is really doable?
~ How to know my real calling?
~ How can we avoid being misled?

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 You know, when you are asking that there are so many things and what is it that needs to
00:08 be done, I am reminded of the time when Mahatma Gandhi returned from South Africa to India.
00:18 And he had been in South Africa at the center of a civil movement for quite a while, almost
00:29 two decades, more than two decades.
00:33 In between he had kept coming to India to attend Congress sessions and to visit and
00:37 these things.
00:40 But there was not much depth in those visits.
00:43 So finally when he left South Africa for good and landed in India, in the middle of the
00:53 second decade of the last century, Gopal Krishna Gokhale told him, "No public life for you
01:04 for at least one year.
01:07 Yes, you have been an outstanding leader in South Africa and you had victories and you
01:15 have the capability to mobilize people and rally them behind you.
01:20 But no public life in India for you for at least one year.
01:25 Just abstain.
01:26 Observe, watch, travel, no.
01:33 First of all, read this country.
01:34 Because there are just too many things at too many places.
01:38 You cannot blindly rush into anything.
01:41 At the same time you cannot wait for long, Gandhi.
01:44 You are already in your 40s.
01:48 You are already in your 40s and you are well equipped to do something.
01:53 The kind of experience, the repository that you have cannot be allowed to go waste.
01:57 It must be put in the service of the nation.
02:00 But it cannot be immediately rushed.
02:06 So have some kind of a sabbatical for one year."
02:11 Gandhiji considered Gokhale his teacher and he followed the advice.
02:18 He just kept studying.
02:19 He said, "There are so many things happening in this vast land, from Burma till Afghanistan,
02:31 from Tibet till Lanka."
02:43 And then he started to get a handle on things.
02:52 Then came the Champaran movement.
02:56 It's not that he had consciously selected to be in Champaran.
03:00 That too was a kind of an accident.
03:02 But then when you are prepared, then very solemn accidents happen with you.
03:19 Even accidentally the right things can happen to you only if you are prepared.
03:29 So Gandhiji knew that there was something that needs to be done, but I don't yet know
03:33 what is it that needs to be done.
03:35 Just like your question.
03:36 There are so many things happening everywhere.
03:39 It's a very vast country.
03:41 It's a subcontinent.
03:44 What do I put my hand into?
03:48 So he was reading, he was meeting people, he was travelling extensively.
03:53 You are studying the Indian landscape.
03:59 And then the accident happened.
04:05 Somebody from a god-forsaken village, a district in Bihar came to him and kept shadowing him
04:18 and said that such a thing is happening there and we need you to come and support us and
04:25 defend our rights.
04:29 The British masters are forcibly asking us to grow opium on 15% of our land and that's
04:37 exploitative.
04:38 Are you getting it?
04:43 If you are serious about the whole thing, what would you do?
04:48 You would do what he did.
04:49 You would read, you would meet, you would travel, you would observe, you would be all
04:57 the time alert, you would want to find out an opportunity.
05:05 And it's far easier today, you know.
05:08 It's the information age.
05:11 Even travelling is far easier today.
05:13 At that time to reach Champaran you had to travel on an elephant back.
05:18 That's how Gandhi reached.
05:25 Today all these things are available.
05:28 You can fly to the mazes if you want to.
05:34 And you don't need to fly because all the information is available.
05:37 The videos are there, the perspectives are there.
05:40 What is it that you want?
05:51 So your sincerity is judged by all the background work that you are doing.
06:00 You cannot say you want to do good to the world.
06:02 You cannot say that, for example, you are very concerned with climate change and you
06:08 do not know the scientific basis for all that is happening.
06:15 You cannot just rush into some activity or the other.
06:19 You cannot become a social media warrior or a placard soldier without knowing the fundamentals.
06:33 Don't you want to study the science first?
06:36 Don't you want to know what kind of actions are best suited if you want to fight this
06:43 catastrophe?
06:45 And if you do not know what action is best suited to fight it, how are you taking any
06:50 action?
06:51 I am asking you, with no bias against tree plantation, how do you know that planting
06:57 trees is the best way to counter this menace?
07:00 Do you have the numbers?
07:03 Without having the numbers, why do you just want to offer a nominal service to the cause?
07:16 Must you not first of all study the UN reports?
07:20 And there are so many other organisations keeping a watch over the climate.
07:24 Should you not take out time to go through those reports and know what the whole thing
07:28 is really about?
07:31 Or do you just want to be a do-gooder?
07:36 A society man?
07:37 It is often fashionable to do all these things.
07:57 Study and then act with total commitment and determination.
08:04 If your action is founded on the basis of understanding, then your action becomes irreversible.
08:12 But if your action is coming from some flimsy point, then such action has no momentum.
08:20 It doesn't have longevity because it doesn't have sincerity really.
