Police have been sent this video of a white van man who has been flytipping on a country lane

  • 2 years ago
Police have been sent this video of a white van man - who appears to have been caught flytipping on a country lane. The driver is seen with piles of rubbish near the back of his vehicle - then quickly drives off when spotted. He speeds off so fast his door are still flapping open - showing a van full of household waste. Edward Goadby, 23, a local farmer, came across the white van allegedly dumping furniture near Ansley, Warwickshire on Monday night (12 Sep). He says he was driving home from a night out with a friend when they saw two men next to items unloaded onto the verge. He explains: "I was out with a friend last night and we were just coming back through the lanes and we just saw this van parked on the corner with doors wide open. ''I thought 'that's a bit funny'. "We put all the lights on, I've got spotlights on the little buggy, and realised they looked like they'd thrown absolutely heaps of rubbish, furniture, and all that sort of stuff. "He took off at such speed, he panicked as soon as he saw us. He reversed straight over the rubbish, panicking, and then sped off down the road with doors wide open. "It happens a lot but it's rare we actually catch them. I've seen it at least three times a year on that one lane. "I phoned the police last night. I just described what I saw, the van taking off towards Nuneaton, but they said they couldn't do anything at the moment as there was no police around. "There's another heap of rubbish fly-tipped in the next village. It's just absolutely disgusting really. "It's shocking it has to happen around here. At least this video shows what people are doing, because nobody ever sees this sort of stuff." A police spokesperson said they were aware of the Twitter video but wouldn't comment any further.