Hunt: Showdown - Video: Verbesserungen im Performance-Patch erklärt

  • vor 2 Jahren
Für die Early-Access-Version von Hunt: Showdown ist jetzt das angekündigte Performance-Update auf Steam als Patch auf Version 0.179 verfügbar. In diesem Video beantworten die Crytek-Entwickler Chris Auty und Sébastien Laurent vom Hunt-Team und Theodor Mader vom CryEngine-Team einige der häufigsten Fragen der Spieler. Das Video wurde noch vor dem Release des Performance-Patches aufgenommen.

So erklären die Entwickler, warum es zu Rucklern kommt und wie sie dagegen vorgehen wollen. Dabei gehen sie auf Details ein, wie, warum die Hunt die CPU sehr stark, die GPU aber nicht so stark belastet oder warum sie sich eher um eine stabile Bildrate als eine höhere Bildrate kümmern.

Jetzt schon kaufen? Unser Early-Access-Test zu Hunt: Showdown

Patch-Notes für Hunt: Showdown v0.179


CPU optimization and utilization

Optimized a number of CPU heavy processes within the game that would lead to Hunt being CPU bound (especially on lower end hardware)

Optimized rendering cost when particle effects are filling the screen space

Optimized off-screen particle updates in most cases

Optimized interior lighting volumes significantly

Optimized a number of expensive engine calls (e.g GetWaterLevel)

Reduced particle overdraw when many large particles in view

First round of optimizations on CPU job manager (improves efficiency of thread queues)

Memory optimization

Reduced Hunt’s overall memory footprint

Enabled animation DB streaming to reduce memory usage

Improved object streaming to reduce memory usage

Fixed a memory leak in the AI proximity grid

Reduced memory usage in various Hunt subsystems


Improved dedicated server allocation manager to be more reliable, especially if back end slows down

Upgraded backend technology to pave the way for further improvements to debugging user reported issues (slow response times etc)

Bug fixes

Developer note: In this section we will be using the word “stall” a lot. In these cases, this term is being used to describe one of 3 possibilities – micro stuttering (small freezes that do not crash the client), frame drops and spikes

Fixed a stall when using lanterns for the first time (slight micro stutter when picking up the lantern)

Fixed a stall that could occur when using dark sight for the first time after loading into the match

Fixed a stall that occurred when aiming fuses at the sky

Fixed a number of stalls that could occur due to some shaders being loaded during gameplay. This was especially noticeable when aiming down sights

Fixed a stall that could occur when the banishing phase completed

Fixed a number of invalid file accesses during gameplay which was resulting in some stalls

Reduced stalls that could occur with cloth simulation on hunter clothing

Fixed a number of uncached resources

Fixed a deprecated asset that could cause the game to