Coat of Hopes at COP26
  • 2 years ago
Invitation to World Leaders
and Delegates at COP26
to wear the Coat of Hopes
To the Leaders and Attendees of COP26
An invitation to put on the Coat of Hopes

We'd like you to find one moment to put on this coat. A coat that has travelled the length of the British Isles, carried on the shoulders of pilgrims.

Sewn into it are hundreds of pieces of blanket - the patchwork hopes, of a people for their land. In the patches you will find griefs for the loss of species, remembrances of landscapes irreversibly changed, prayers that our hearts can expand to welcome those displaced by climate breakdown, hopes and dreams of joy in nature, of safe and sustainable access to fresh food, of safety and freedom to play for our children, and for the children of all beings.

We ask nothing else than this. There's no ideology or policy position that you might accidentally endorse by wearing it, no hidden social media gotchas in store. We ask that you just put it on. To feel it on your shoulders; to feel the weight of all these hopes that have been carried so far, to feel the warmth of the love and energy invested in this garment by children, gardeners, council workers, grandparents, businesspeople, artists - all those that have carried the coat to Glasgow, or made a patch, or simply worn it for a moment and become part of its story.

We ask this as an act of communion. Of fellow feeling. As an indication that you stand with us. We are the generation who gets to decide the future of life on this planet. And you are our leaders and this is the moment of decision.

To make an appointment to wear the Coat of Hopes email