Meet Truman Fritz

  • 4 years ago
Truman Fritz is an up and coming business professional with significant experience in leadership and operations. He is currently a senior at the University of Southern California, where he is studying business administration with a concentration on consumer behavior, data science, and operations. He is on track to graduate with honors in the spring of 2021.
Throughout Truman Fritz’s education, he has been actively involved in the student community, even serving as Student Body President and Chief Communications Officer at USC. He was also actively involved in his high school, serving as the Student Body Secretary and on the school newspaper. He was also a member of the International Thespian Society, the National Honors Society, and the National Arts Honors Society.
In addition to being the Student Body President and Chief Communications Officer at USC, Truman Fritz has worked as the Associate Director for Digital Marketing. He has also been involved with the Residential Housing Association, Trojan Marketing Group, Birnkrant Building Government, Learning About International Commerce Program, and Marshall Entertainment Association.
As Student Body President, Truman Fritz had many responsibilities, including overseeing the school’s comprehensive restructuring initiative. He also led the way as the organization transitioned from in-person to online after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. During his tenure as Chief Communications Officer, Truman was in charge of a $35,000 budget and a 35-person staff. During this time, he developed and launched several university marketing initiatives, including an affirmative consent campaign.
Outside of school, Truman Fritz has interned for several organizations across a variety of sectors. Most recently, he has the opportunity to intern for the US Senate. He has also interned for two high-tech cybersecurity companies, a digital talent agency, and a multi-million dollar global media company. The culmination of this experience has allowed Truman to grow in numerous ways, including sharpening his skills in critical thinking, data-driven problem-solving, and value-based management. In the future, Truman hopes to become a management consultant and work with private and public companies to streamline their operations and improve their bottom lines.
To learn more about Truman Fritz, check out his blog and follow him on social media!