William Branham: Unidentified Flying Objects

  • 4 years ago
At the height of the Unidentified Flying Object frenzy of the 1950s, William Branham and several others in the Latter Rain Revival and Voice of Healing Revival began claiming that the strange phenomenon was supernatural. Articles describing UFOs were published in Branham's newsletter, Voice of Healing, and many sermons included the topic in conjunction with his Doomsday Predictions.

In the latest version of his Stage Persona, William Branham claimed that the "rapture" would include UFOs. According to Branham, one of them would pick up the chosen.

See, the world don’t know what that is, you know. You know it’s on. We know what it is. See? We know it’s investigating, judgment Angels, you see. And how at the Pentagon and all, about how it comes right down; and the intelligence, how they can [Brother Branham snaps his fingers once—Ed.] go like a flash and be gone, pull away from anything they got. See, they don’t realize what it is, see. Let them think whatever they want to. They call it flying saucers, or whatever. They don’t know, see. 270 Said, “And I seen it coming, and I watched it. And what it was, it was a man on a horse.” And said, “He was coming with lightning speed.” Said, “I seen he was going to come down in front of me. And I stopped my car, jumped out. When it did,” said, “the car…horse was standing in the road, a great white military horse walking in a prance.” That’s the Word, of course, you know, walking in a prance.
Branham, 65-0815 - And Knoweth It Not

