Trump Says Border Wall Will Pay For Itself 'In A Month'

  • 5 years ago
President Trump on Friday said that the border wall will pay for itself "in a month."

President Trump on Friday claimed that a multi-billion dollar U.S.-Mexico border wall would pay for itself "in a month."
"We're talking about a wall for $20 billion, $15 billion," Trump said at a Project Safe Neighborhoods conference in Kansas City. "I could even do it cheaper if I have to, and it'll be better than anybody has ever seen a wall."
"You're talking about hundreds of billions of dollars and you're talking about a fraction," he added. "You would make it up in a month — a month — by having a proper wall."
He made a similar assertion in a tweet on Tuesday.
"Could somebody please explain to the Democrats (we need their votes) that our Country losses 250 Billion Dollars a year on illegal immigration, not including the terrible drug flow. Top Border Security, including a Wall, is $25 Billion. Pays for itself in two months. Get it done!" Trump wrote.
And in another push for wall funding, Trump tweeted Thursday: "Arizona, together with our Military and Border Patrol, is bracing for a massive surge at a NON-WALLED area. WE WILL NOT LET THEM THROUGH. Big danger. Nancy and Chuck must approve Boarder [sic] Security and the Wall!"
