Yoga Class Day 19 for muscle strength | अधोमुखश्वानासन, अर्धचंद्रासन, उधर्व हस्तोत्तानासन | Boldsky

  • 7 years ago
Yoga Class Day 19: In our ongoing 25 Yoga Classes course, after class day 18 ( ) today we will learn Adho mukha svanasana, Ardha Chandrasana, Urdhva Hastotanasana. These all asanas are super beneficial for muscular strength. This Yoga asana has similar effects on the abdominal muscles. It helps to stretch and strengthen these muscles. Practicing this asana helps to make the thighs, ankles, buttocks, abdomen, and spine stronger. Watch here the step by step process to do these Yogasana in this tutorial video and enter the amazing world of YOGA.

योगा क्लास के 19 वें दिन हम आपको दिखायेंगे अधोमुखश्वानासन, अर्धचंद्रासन, उधर्व हस्तोत्तानासन करने का तरीका | यह आसन शरीर को ऊर्जा देकर आपको तारो-ताज़ा महसूस कराते है | देखिए 19वे दिन का योग |
