6 avocado myths for National Avocado Day

  • 7 years ago
Avocados are quickly becoming one of the most popular fruit of the 21st century. But do you know they're quite better for you than some people will lead you to believe? Here are 6 debunked avocado myths! Myth: They're fattening The truth One cup of Avocados contains 21g of fat. However, avocados are highly regarded as being one of the few fruits that contain monounsaturated or ‘good’ fats. Myth: They're only for salads The truth Avocados are great as a component for many smoothies, dips and even ice cream. Use them as a healthier substitute for cream or butter. Myth: You can't freeze them The truth It can be done! Simply peel halved avocados, remove the stones and freeze in a sealable bag. Myth: They go brown once you cut them The truth: UK grocer says to use a "squeeze of citrus," or to store them in water. They can also be stored in your refrigerator. Myth: You shouldn't eat them every day The truth: Since they go well in salads, in breakfast, or in dips, you should get your avocado fix for all three meals of the day.
