Thousands rally in New York to support Israel

  • 10 years ago

Thousands of people gathered in New York City on Monday (July 28) to show their support for Israel and its right to defend itself against Hamas.

The huge crowd was large enough to fill an entire city block near the United Nations.

While some people danced, many waved Israel's flag and the U.S. flag. Others held signs reading "We are all Israel" and "Israel forever".

Politicians and religious leaders rallied the crowd and called for a show of support for Israel during its conflict with Hamas that intensified nearly three weeks ago.

Pointing to the United Nations, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer from New York said "We must send a message from one corner of this globe to the other and to that building over there (United Nations), that you will not have peace as long as Hamas has power. Hamas is a terrorist organization sworn to Israel's destruction who believes it has a moral right to start war at any occasion. We are standing up
