Truck driver pleads "not guilty" in Tracy Morgan crash

  • 10 years ago

A Georgia truck driver accused of causing a fatal car crash on a New Jersey highway that critically injured comedian Tracy Morgan appeared in court on Wednesday (June 11).

He pleaded not guilty to charges of vehicular homicide while driving with too little sleep.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc delivery driver Kevin Roper, 35, stayed silent during the arraignment in New Brunswick, New Jersey, before he was released on $50,000 bail he posted after his arrest.

He faces charges of death by auto and injury by auto while operating his tractor trailer without having slept "in excess of 24 hours," according to prosecutors.

Roper is accused of failing to see traffic slowing in front of him on the New Jersey Turnpike and slamming into the back of a limousine van carrying Morgan, best known for roles on "30 Rock" and "Saturday Night Live," and several of his associates.

The chain reaction crash early on Saturday involved a total of six ve