Starving for aid in Syria

  • 10 years ago
Desperately needed food aid is finally reaching a besieged suburb of Damascus.

Without food or medicine, thousands of civilians have been trapped for months.

Amateur video that Reuters cannot independently verify shows women lining up to receive food parcels, in what looks like a scene out of WWII.


"There are charities for the camp people, but we have received nothing, our children are dying of hunger. Are we animals? They have full stomachs and we are here dying of hunger."

On Saturday, a U.N. spokesman confirmed that 200 food packages had been donated, after local authorities requested its support.

A local activist who wished to remain anonymous said local Palestinian groups carried out the food distribution.

Residents say they've survived this long by scavenging for food, or by conducting life-threatening smuggling trips ... ever since a siege was imposed by Bashar al-Assad for