Relief workers clear bodies and hand out supplies in Tacloban

  • 11 years ago
A message for help in Filipino...but it's not for food or water.

It's a plea to remove the decomposing bodies that litter the streets.


"It's really difficult. The rescuers have not yet come back even if they said they would be after three days. Why have they not recovered the bodies here? It's reeking bad."

Officials in Tacloban city in the central Philippines say the death toll here alone is 10,000 after a super typhoon swept through the country.

Residents cover their faces to shield themselves from the stench of rotting flesh.

Rescue workers have a difficult task given the copious bodies hidden in mountains of debris.

But as the corpses are slowly cleared from the streets, relief supplies flood into Tacloban, which bore the brunt of the typhoon.

A Philippine military plane airlifts boxes of food and sacks of rice.

Aid workers are giving out food and medicine to victims.
